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  • ISBN:9787567555068
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:229
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787567555068 ; 978-7-5675-5506-8






Unit 1 World News: International RelationsPart I Warming upPart II News reportsPart III Anti-piracy missionPart IV Speeches Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 2 World News: Earth and EnvironmentPart I Warming upPart II News reportsPart III City recyclingPart IV Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 3 World News: Economic DevelopmentsPart I Warming upPart II News reportsPart III Voice mail may cost company's businessPart IV Business jargon Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 4 World News: Up in SpacePart I Warming upPart II News reportsPart III Returning to the MoonPart IV Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 5 New Explorations in Food and MedicinePart I Warming upPart II Eating right for good healthPart III Medical emergency 911Part IV Keeping the country healthy Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 6 Breakthroughs in Science and TechnologyPart I Warming upPart II Human genome projectPart III Latest breakthroughs in technologyPart IV Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 7 Future of CommunicationPart I Warming upPart II New ways to communicatePart III Digital McLuhanPart IV Technical jargon Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 8 New Ideas, New ArchitecturePart I Warming upPart II Eco-conscious constructionPart III Tomorrow's house1Part IV Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 9 Ways to TravelPart I Warming upPart II Public transportationPart III Cross the ChannelPart IV Southwest Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 10 Love and Hate of OilPart I Warming upPart II Oil reserves and parking placesPart III A motor city breakthrough: the electric carPart IV Clean air cars Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 11 A Fast Growing Economy: TourismPart I Warming upPart II Welcome to ChinaPart III New Seven Wonders of the WorldPart IV Language study and language appreciation Part Ⅴ Video Appreciation Unit 12 ReviewA.Revolutionary carB.Fox Hollow golf courseC.Friends reunitedD.Beware hackers!E.Housing problemsF.The future of the phone G.Video Appreciation Vocabulary Acknowledgements



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