

1星价 ¥17.8 (7.4折)
2星价¥17.8 定价¥24.0
  • ISBN:9787119114019
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:236
  • 出版时间:2017-06-01
  • 条形码:9787119114019 ; 978-7-119-11401-9






基础篇 Passage 1 Happy Toby Passage 2 Pablo’s new school Passage 3 Hide and seek Passage 4 The animal park Passage 5 The family camping Passage 6 Lucky me Passage 7A cat is fishing Passage 8 What do you want to be? Passage 9 April Fool’s Day Passage 10 Counting sheep Passage 11 Is Father Christmas real? Passage 12 Weather report Passage 13 The surprise box Passage 14 Information card Passage 15 Treasures, not trash! Passage 16 The four seasons Passage 17 Granny’s cranberry sauce Passage 18 What does a good neighbor do? Passage 19 Not my work Passage 20 We go to the grocery store Passage 21 A day at the fun park Passage 22 We are friends Passage 23 A clever parrot Passage 24 The Mollets family Passage 25 A gold watch Passage 26 Ice Cream University Passage 27 Owls Passage 28 Their Sunday Passage 29 Christmas Day Passage 30 Oranges Passage 31 The fox and the pit (I) Passage 32 Can the cat have a seat? Passage 33 What time is it? Passage 34 My five senses Passage 35 The fox and the pit (II) Passage 36 Rental Agency Information Form Passage 37 How many people are there in your family? Passage 38 The big storm Passage 39 My brother Passage 40 A surprise party Passage 41 An absent-minded boy Passage 42 That’s hard, that’s easy Passage 43 A lion and four bulls Passage 44 Go to the city Passage 45 Don’t forget your homework Passage 46 Pictures of Hugs Passage 47 She wants a dictionary Passage 48 Farm day Passage 49 Animals’ sports meeting Passage 50 Talent show 提高篇 Passage 51 Lancy’s day Passage 52 Miss White packs silly things Passage 53 Pigeon Passage 54 A girl and three bears Passage 55 Whales Passage 56 Play on the playground Passage 57 Bill’s day Passage 58 Helping Mom Passage 59 My twin friends Passage 60 I got a hundred Passage 61 Never say “NO” Passage 62 All about snakes Passage 63 What am I? Where am I? Passage 64 Finding the way Passage 65 Do you know anything about the moon? Passage 66 Light and shadows Passage 67 What is that? Passage 68 Little bat Passage 69 K Day Passage 70 Hair and beard Passage 71 A box Passage 72 The sky Passage 73 A clever donkey Passage 74 Monster Songs Passage 75 Night workers Passage 76 Mommy squirrel and her children Passage 77 Hibernation Passage 78 Billy goes to school Passage 79 All about sharks Passage 80 Dancing in the sky Passage 81 A clever monkey Passage 82 My little doll Passage 83 Ant group Passage 84 Valentine surprise Passage 85 The big box Passage 86 Personal Data Passage 87 Daniel’s family tree Passage 88 American flag and money Passage 89 Peter’s and Mary's plans for next week Passage 90 Catching a rainbow Passage 91 A school report Passage 92 What’s going on? Passage 93 People at work Passage 94 Working dogs Passage 95 Animals of Africa Passage 96 The bookshelf Passage 97 Living things and nonliving things Passage 98 All about pigs Passage 99 Animal groups Passage 100 Ann gets a map


赖世雄教授是闻名海峡两岸的英语教学专家,先后获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播与英语教学双学士学位,担任托福专任讲师 18 年,也是托福成绩满分记录保持者之一。赖教授曾任上海复旦大学以及大连外国语大学客座教授,现任常春藤解析英语杂志社社长,著有英语升学、进修、生活英语、儿童英语、职场英语丛书两百余种,并担任多家电台英语教学广播主讲。
1993 年赖世雄教授开始担任中央人民广播电台英语教学节目主播,时间长达12年,教学方式风趣幽默、深入浅出、妙趣横生。2003年赖教授被《中国图书商报》评选为中国英语教学十大名师之一。2004年至今担任北京市政府主办英语活动之主讲教授。2014年1月,赖世雄教授的“美语从头学”节目在北京外语广播台开播。

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