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1星价 ¥77.4 (7.9折)
2星价¥77.4 定价¥98.0
  • ISBN:9787504999030
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大16开
  • 页数:112
  • 出版时间:2018-12-01
  • 条形码:9787504999030 ; 978-7-5049-9903-0






1 主要经济指标概览
2 金融机构货币统计
2.1 主要金融指标
2.2 主要金融指标( 消除季节因素)
2.3 社会融资规模增量统计表
2.4 金融机构信贷收支表( 人民币)
2.5 存款性公司概览
2.6 货币当局资产负债表
2.7 其他存款性公司资产负债表
2.8 中资大型银行资产负债表
2.9 中资中型银行资产负债表
2.10 中资小型银行资产负债表
2.11 外资银行资产负债表
2.12 农村信用社资产负债表
2.13 财务公司资产负债表
3 宏观经济金融运行监测
3.1 金融统计数据报告
3.2 景气状况分析:2018 年三季度
3.3 宏观经济
4 金融市场统计
4.1 全国银行间同业拆借交易统计表
4.2 全国银行间质押式回购交易统计表
4.3 国内各类债券发行统计表
4.4 国内各类债券余额统计表
4.5 人民币汇率统计表
4.6 国内股票市场统计表
5 利率
5.1 中央银行基准利率
5.2 金融机构:人民币法定存款基准利率
5.3 金融机构:人民币法定贷款基准利率
6 资金流量表( 金融交易账户)
6.1 2016 年资金流量表( 金融交易账户)
6.2 2017 年资金流量表( 金融交易账户)
7 经济调查
7.1 5000 户企业主要财务指标
7.2 5000 户企业主要财务分析指标
7.3 5000 户企业景气扩散指数
8 物价统计
8.1 主要物价指数
8.2 企业商品价格指数
9 主要经济金融指标图
10 主要指标的概念及定义

1 Survey of Major Economic Indicators
2 Monetary Statistics of Financial Institutions
2.1 Major Financial Indicators
2.2 Major Financial Indicators (Seasonally Adjusted)
2.3 Statistics of Aggregate Financing to the Real Economy (AFRE, Flow)
2.4 Sources and Uses of Credit Funds of Financial Institutions (RMB)
2.5 Depository Corporations Survey
2.6 Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority
2.7 Balance Sheet of Other Depository Corporations
2.8 Balance Sheet of Large-sized Domestic Banks
2.9 Balance Sheet of Medium-sized Domestic Banks
2.10 Balance Sheet of Small-sized Domestic Banks
2.11 Balance Sheet of Foreign-funded Banks
2.12 Balance Sheet of Rural Credit Cooperatives
2.13 Balance Sheet of Finance Companies
3 Macroeconomic & Financial Situation
3.1 Financial Statistics Data Report
3.2 Business Climate Analysis: 2018 Q3
3.3 Macroeconomics
4 Financial Market Statistics
4.1 Statistics of Interbank Lending
4.2 Statistics of Interbank Pledged Repo
4.3 Statistics of Debt Securities Issue
4.4 Statistics of Debt Securities Outstanding
4.5 Statistics of Exchange Rate
4.6 Statistics of Stock Market
5 Interest Rates
5.1 Benchmark Interest Rates of Central Bank
5.2 Financial Institutions: Official Benchmark Rates of RMB Deposits
5.3 Financial Institutions: Official Benchmark Rates of RMB Loans
6 Flow of Funds Statement(Financial Transactions Accounts)
6.1 Flow of Funds Statement, 2016(Financial Transactions Accounts)
6.2 Flow of Funds Statement, 2017(Financial Transactions Accounts)
7 Economic Research
7.1 Major Financial Indicators of 5000 Principal Enterprises
7.2 Major Financial Analytical Indicators of 5000 Principal Enterprises
7.3 Diffusion Indices of Business Survey of 5000 Principal Enterprises
8 Price Statistics
8.1 Major Price Indices
8.2 Corporate Goods Price Indices(CGPI)
9 Charts of Major Economic & Financial Indicators
10 Concepts and Definitions for Major Indicators

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