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My tour of the forbidden city

My tour of the forbidden city

1星价 ¥48.4 (5.5折)
2星价¥48.4 定价¥88.0
  • ISBN:9787508540894
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:22×22cm
  • 页数:1册
  • 出版时间:2019-06-01
  • 条形码:9787508540894 ; 978-7-5085-4089-4


画家吴洋用绘画的形式向读者介绍北京故宫。绘本有约80幅绘画,通过一只蚂蚁的卡通形象、用*人称的视角带你游览故宫,给你呈现一个不一样的故宫。The painter WU Yang introduces the Beijing Imperial Palace to the readers in the form of painting. There are about 80 paintings in the picture book, using the first-person perspective to present you with a different show of the Imperial Palace through a cartoon image of an ant.


我是紫禁城里的一只蚂蚁,祖祖辈辈生活在这天一般大的皇宫里,但是,我能到达这个宫殿的任何一个角落,而大多数的人却做不到哦。我可以悄悄地爬到龙椅上,俯看众臣的朝拜;我可以爬到皇帝的藏书柜中,纵览数百年的恢宏巨作;我还可以爬到左右侧宫,细品后宫的明争暗斗;还可以爬到后花园,欣赏来自天南海北供奉的奇花异草;还可以……这座雄伟、漂亮的宫殿如今叫北京故宫博物院,据说这里先后住过24位皇帝,是世界上现存规模*、保存*完整的古建筑群之一。快跟我进去看看吧。I was an ant in the Forbidden City, living for generations in this imperial palace as vast as the heavens. Yet, I could reach every corner of it, while most people could not. I could stealthily climb onto the dragon throne, looking down at the obeisance of officials. I could climb to the emperor’s bookcase to look through centuries of great works. I could climb to the side palaces to witness open or secret infighting in the imperial inner palace. I could climb to the back gardens to appreciate exotic flowers and grasses from various lands. I could also….
This majestic and beautiful palace, presently called the Palace Museum of Beijing, is said to have been home to 24 emperors. It is one of the largest and most complete building complexes extant in this world. Now come inside with me, let’s take a look....


吴洋,著名油画家,1962年生于北京。吴洋的作品有着强烈的个人风格,表现手法细腻,用写实的手法表现超现实的意境和理念,宁静、平和、绚烂。WU Yang, a famous oil painter, was born in Beijing in 1962. WU Yang's works have a strong personal style and exquisite expressions, which use realistic methods to express the surreal artistic conception that is quiet, peaceful and gorgeous.

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