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2021-06-11 09:20:17
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  • ISBN:9787568275675
  • 装帧:250g铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:160
  • 出版时间:2019-09-01
  • 条形码:9787568275675 ; 978-7-5682-7567-5


  著名文艺评论家毛姆说:“我相信,广大的读者已经认定《傲慢与偏见》是奥斯汀的杰作,我认为他们的评价是中肯的。使一部作品成为经典名著的,不是评论家们的交口赞誉、教授们的阐述研究、用作学校里的教科书,而是使一代又一代的众多读者在阅读这部作品中得到愉悦,受到启迪,深受教益。我个人认为,《傲慢与偏见》总体来说,是所有小说中令人满意的一部作品。”  小说围绕贝内特太太——这个文学史上不堪的丈母娘,如何把五个女儿嫁出去的主题展开,创造了伊丽莎白和达西这对伟大的拌嘴恋人形象。奥斯汀在给姐姐写的一封信中说:“我必须承认,伊丽莎白是自有书籍以来十分讨人喜欢的人物,我竟不知道我怎能忍受不喜欢伊丽莎白的读者。”就连小说中的小人物们都被奥斯汀塑造得那么活灵活现、贴近生活。威克姆的恩将仇报,柯林斯的虚伪愚蠢、奴颜婢膝,凯瑟琳夫人的独断专行、自私自利,读者都能从自己或周围人身上找出原型来。奥斯汀作品中机智幽默的对白、“涉笔成趣,笔中带刺”的风格,以及她对人性的深刻洞察,都令其作品魅力无穷。  奥斯汀是继英国女王伊丽莎白二世之后第二位出现在英国货币上的女性形象。除了奥斯汀的肖像以外,货币上还印上了《傲慢与偏见》中的一句话:I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!(我断言,没有什么比阅读更令人愉悦了!)


Chapter 1 A Young Man of Fortune
Chapter 2 A Young Man of Proud Manners
Chapter 3 A Young Man Searching for a Wife
Chapter 4 A Young Man Wronged
Chapter 5 A Young Lady Ashamed
Chapter 6 A Young Man Refused
Chapter 7 An Engagement for a Young Lady
Chapter 8 A Clergyman at Home
Chapter 9 A Young Lady Cries
Chapter 10 A Young Man Surprised
Chapter 11 A Young Lady Thinks about Matters
Chapter 12 A Young Lady Goes to Brighton
Chapter 13 A Young Man Changed
Chapter 14 A Young Lady Runs Away
Chapter 15 A Young Lady Recovered
Chapter 16 Two Young Happy Couples


  《床头灯英语·3000词读物(纯英文):傲慢与偏见》:  "Our daughters," replied Mr. Bennet, "haven't much in way of praise or recommendation. They don't know very much and are often silly, like other girls. But Lizzy is more clever and smarter than her sisters."  "Mr. Bennet, how you make me worry! Sometimes I feel you even enjoy it! You don't care about my poor nerves."  Mr. Bennet walked over to the door of his library. "You are wrong, my dear," he said. "I do have feelings for your nerves. After all, they are like old friends. I have lived with them for twenty years."  "Oh!" said Mrs. Bennet. She was beginning to cry. "How you enjoy making me worry!"  "You will have many other chances to see rich young men move into our neighborhood, my dear. So I hope you can forget this."  "You have no thought for your daughters. Five of them-five!-and Jane in her twenty-third year! Are they all to be old maids and never get married?"  "I'm sure you won't let this happen," he said, and the library door closed behind him.  The Bennet family met together in the drawing room after dinner that evening. Four of Mr. Bennet's daughters were quite pretty. Jane was the most beautiful of them but Elizabeth, who was twenty, had more spirit. Also, Elizabeth's fine dark eyes seemed full of light. Kitty was their seventeen year-old daughter. She was pretty in a thin way. Lydia was almost sixteen and she was tall with healthy, red-colored cheeks. Nineteen-year-old Mary was the only plain member of the family. She was thin, round-shouldered, and nearsighted. Because she read too many books, she had to wear glasses.  ……

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