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  • ISBN:9787511455789
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:154页
  • 出版时间:2019-10-01
  • 条形码:9787511455789 ; 978-7-5114-5578-9


  Probability and mathematical statistics play an important role in production and life. Starting with the basic concepts and methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics, this book system-atically and comprehensively introduces the basic theories of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their applications in production and life. The book consists of eight chapters. The first chapter introduces the basic concepts of random events and probability. Chapters 2 to 5 introduce random variables, distribution of random vectors, digital characteristics of random variables, law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Chapters 6 to 8 introduce samples, sample distribution and parameter estimation. This book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in science and engineering in institutions of higher learning. It can also be used as a reference for relevant majors and for relevant engineering and technical personnel.


Chapter 1 Random Events and Probabilities 1.1 Random events and sample space 1.2 Relationship and operation of random events 1.3 Probability of random events 1.4 The axioms and properties of probability 1.5 Conditional Probability and Multiplication Formula 1.6 total probability formula and inverse probability formula 1.7 Independence of random events Chapter 2 Random Variables and Their Distribution 2.1 Discrete random variables and their distribution law 2.2 Distribution function of random variables 2.3 Continuous random variables and their probability density 2.4 several common continuous random variables 2.5 Distribution of random variable functions Chapter 3 Random Vectors and Their Distribution 3.1 two-dimensional random vector 3.2 two-dimensional discrete random vector 3.3 two-dimensional continuous random vector 3.4 Independence of random variables 3.5 Distribution of two random vector functions Chapter 4 Digital Features of Random Variables 4.1 Mathematical Expectations of Random Variables 4.2 Variance of random variables 4.3 Covariance and correlation coefficient 4.4 Moment and Covariance Matrix of Random Variables Chapter 5 Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem 5.1 Law of Large Numbers 5.2 Central Limit Theorem Chapter 6 Sampling Distribution 6.1 Basic concepts of mathematical statistics 6.2 sampling distribution Chapter 7 Parameter Estimation 7.1 point estimate 7.2 Evaluation criteria for estimators 7.3 Interval Estimation of a Single Normal Population 7.4 Interval Estimation of Two Normal Populations Chapter 8 Hypothesis Testing 8.1 The basic idea of hypothesis testing 8.2 Hypothesis testing of single normal population mean 8.3 Hypothesis testing of two normal population means 8.4 Hypothesis testing of single normal population variance 8.5 Hypothesis testing of two normal population variances Appendix References


王伟,西安石油大学计算机学院副教授,多年从事国内及外国留学生的本科教学工作,积累的丰富的教学和教材编写经验。 郭颖敏,西安石油大学外国语学院教师,毕业于西安外国语大学,主持并参与了多项各级基金项目。

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