  • ISBN:9787300281360
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:144
  • 出版时间:2020-06-01
  • 条形码:9787300281360 ; 978-7-300-28136-0


北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试是获得学士学位的必要条件之一, 考试结果是能否授予成人本科学士学位的重要依据。鉴于本项考试规模较大, 希望参加考试的考生众多, 为帮助考生全面深入了解这一考试, 更好地指导广大考生在认真复习备考的基础上顺利通过考试, 提高应试的质量和效率, 切实发挥以考促学的作用, 组织命题研究组专家编写了这本 《北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试考生必读》。本书除了对考试内容、目标要求、考试结构、题型和试题赋分等做出较为明确、具体的规定以外, 还针对**试卷结合考试数据进行了逐题解析, 并在附录中提供了参考样题和考题选编, 以提高本书的参考价值和使用价值。


1. 托福听力概况的介绍。了解托福听力的考试结构和近期新变化,做到有备无患。
2. 托福听力法精讲。从很本质的听力逻辑出发,理顺文章结构,精准把握考点,达到考试目标。
3. 文章笔记梳理。按照文章类型分类,展示笔记手稿,让学生直观地感受听力笔记应该如果


第1回?? 托福听力真经总纲 /1
托福听力机考界面介绍 /3
托福听力六大题型介绍 /5
托福听力同义替换信息情况剖析 /7
第2回?? 时间有分配,重点当先行 /9
托福听力的时间分配说明 /10
托福听力中的重点考点解析 /10
重点考点信号词总结 /11
例题精析 /11
听力原文 /12
第3回?? 因果相呼应,有理亦有据 /13
考点解析 /14
对话部分因果考点 /14
对话部分举例考点 /17
学术部分举例考点 /18
听力原文 /20
第4回?? 对话虽不长,结尾有玄机 /23
对话部分的结尾考点规律总结 /24
例题精析 /24
听力原文 /25
第5回?? 术语难理解,勿躁方法灵 /27
考点解析 /28
术语出现的位置及特征 /28
术语四步笔记法 /29
听力原文 /30
第6回?? 流程各有异,理清有逻辑 /31
考点解析 /32
学术流程笔记法 /32
听力原文 /34
第7回?? 语气有变化,转折要注意 /35
语气考点规律总结 /36
例题精析 /36
转折考点解析 /37
四种转折考点现象总结 /37
听力原文 /39
第8回?? 教授已表态,观点要牢记 /41
考点解析 /42
态度考点题目分类与做题步骤 /42
听力原文 /47
第9回?? 看似本无用,行文有顺序 /49
考点解析 /50
时间、人名、地点、数字在行文结构上的功能作用 /50
听力原文 /51
第10回?? 课堂有互动,问答皆有意 /53
考点解析 /54
常见提问方式总结 /57
听力原文 /57
第11回?? 总纲熟于胸,笔记有头绪 /59
对话类文章 /60
生物类文章 /70
社科类文章 /84
人类文明和考古类文章 /102
天文和地理类文章 /109
附录 /131
附录 1:托福笔记常用符号与缩写 /132
附录 2:单词缩写规律总结 /134


对话部分的结尾考点规律总结 结尾原则可以说是对对话类考点的一种规律总结。它无关精听能力,没有明显的信号词,却屡 屡在考试中出现,想掌握好这个考点就一定要先知道有这样的考查规律存在。 结尾考点是指,在对话主线内容已经结束之后,对话本身并没有结束的时候,这部分看似与主 题无关的内容,往往会成为考点。判断结尾考点的出现,要注意以下两点:一是,对话的主线内容 结束,比如问题得到了解决,找到了理想工作,获得了对方的许可等等,而这个时候另一方还在给 出一些其他方面的建议,或者是相关的内容分析。这个时候这部分内容往往会成为考点。二是, 大家在感觉对话似乎已经结束的时候,要抬头看一眼进度条。如果它还没有走完,甚至还剩余很长 的一段的时候,就一定要提高警惕,保持高度的注意力,这个部分基本会出题。例题精析 例 3. What does the woman offer to do for the student? A. Save a copy of the book for him as soon as it comes in. B. Order more copies of the book. C. Call the computer store across the street. D. Find a store that sells the book if he cannot find it. 4. How does the man react to the information the woman gives him about where computer science books are sold? A. He is embarrassed that he did not think of it himself. B. He suggests that the information be posted in the store. C. He apologizes for bothering the woman. D. He is annoyed that the woman did not tell him sooner. 1. 例题精讲 ● 这两道题均出自于同一篇对话的结尾部分。本文的主线是学生去找书,而这时候书籍已经找 了的――在对面的书店。 ● 但是职员并没有停止对话,而继续说了“Check across the street. I’ll bet they have it. But if not, come back, and I’ll help you find it somewhere else. I can call around to see if other bookstores might have it. OK?”即:如果对面的书店没有的话,她可以帮忙打电话问其他书店。所以第 3 题的答案为 D。 C 为干扰项,错误。 ● 第 4 题的答案位置反而在第 3 题之前,当听到书在对面的书店有售之后,学生说:“Are there signs up anywhere?” 和“Maybe they should put some up. It could have save us both some time.”这些都指向答案为 B。 ● 总结:一是在结尾原则中,尽管对话的信息量不大,但是还是可以出 1―2 题的,这在对话 部分一共只有 5 题的情况下,占比并不低。二是这个例子也说明了对话考题的乱序规律,所 以一定要准确地记录每一点,这样才能对应到相应的题目,选出答案。 2. 2. 考点词总结 bet [bet] v. 打赌 sign [sa??n] n. 迹象;符号;记号;手势;指示牌 听力原文 例 Student: Hi. Can you tell me where to find New Kind of Science? By, uh, by Stephen Wolfram. Clerk: OK Student: …uh,I couldn’t find it. Clerk: OK. Let me look it up on the computer for you. Who would you say the author was? Student: It’s a Stephen Wolfram. Clerk: OK. Let’s see… Hmm… no, it’s not coming up. Hmm… I am not seeing it. Student: Um…hmm. Clerk: This is for a course here at the university, right? Student: Yeah,It’s assigned reading for a class I am taking. Clerk: It’s for the semester, right? You are not buying it in advance for next year or anything. Student: No, no. It’s for a class I am taking now. Clerk: Hmm… Student: Oh, oh, you know what? Um, it’s for a graduate class. Would that maybe make a difference? I mean,I am an undergraduate, but I am just taking this one class in the graduate department, so…Clerk: No, no. I don’t think that’s it. That shouldn’t make any difference. But, hmm… let me see… maybe it’s just…it could be that whoever that entered it misspelled the title or the author’s name, so I can’t find it on the computer and I can’t tell if it’s sold out. But if it’s sold out, we would probably be getting a new shipment within about a week or so. Student: Well, uh,I was hoping to get it sooner because we already have assignments and you know,I mean,I guess I can get it from the library. Clerk: Right, of course. But I am trying to check. If we’ve ordered more, then that back orders information should be in the computer too. Let’s see… back order… Wolfram,Stephen..,. no, no. I am not seeing it. I am sorry. We just don’t seem to carry it. Student: Uh-huh. Clerk: This is odd though. What is…what’s your professor’s name? I could try searching for his or her classes in the database.That might help Student: Um…OK. It’s professor Kayne. Clerk: K-A-N-E? Student: No. It’s professor Kayne, K-A-Y-N-E. He’s in the computer science department. Clerk: Oh. It’s for a computer science course, is it? Student: Yeah. Clerk: Well, that must be it. Computer science books are sold across the street in the computer bookstore. Student: Are there signs up anywhere? Clerk: I don’t know. Student: Maybe they should put some up. It could have save us both some time. Clerk: Yeah. Well, anyway, I’ll bet that’s the problem. Check across the street. I’ll bet they have it. But if not, come back, and I’ll help you find it somewhere else. I can call around to see if other bookstores might have it. OK? Student: OK. Thanks a lot. Bye. Clerk: Bye


张育豪大连学为贵北美项目负责人 澳洲NAATI翻译证持有者 拥有10余年的国际应试英语教学经验,在提升学生的英语能力和应试技巧的同时,更会结合自身的留学经验,进行文化上的渗透和交互。真正让学生做到学有所得,学以致用。幽默亲切的授课风格,深受学生喜爱。

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