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  • ISBN:9787565439582
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:397页
  • 出版时间:2020-10-01
  • 条形码:9787565439582 ; 978-7-5654-3958-2


本书列有生词表, 并对专门术语进行了较为详细的解释。同时, 本书对课文难点进行了注释, 以方便学生自学。练习部分由正误辨认、复习题、讨论题和短文阅读理解四个部分组成, 侧重对课文内容的理解和掌握。。本书的目的在于培养学生在较短时间内阅读大量信息、掌握其基本内容和精神实质, 并能够运用所读信息分析和解决实际问题的能力。 本书是国际商务英语专业以及其他涉外专业高年级英语阅读课的首选教材之一,可供涉外经贸工作者进修商务英语和增加专业知识之用, 也可帮助有志出国深造或想在国内进一步深造的人员打下良好的英语语言与商务知识基础。


Part Ⅰ International Business Unit 1 2 Text A International Trade Theory (国际贸易理论) 2 Text B A Tale of Two Nations 26 Unit 2 29 Text A Exporting,Importing,and countertrade (出口、进口与对等贸易) 29 Text B Proust Winery 50 Unit 3 53 Text A Non export Entry Modes—Strategic Alliances (非出口打入方式——战略联盟) 53 Text B World Wide Pharmaceutical 74 Unit 4 80 Text A Foreign Direct Investment (外国直接投资) 80 Text B Honda in North America 100 Part Ⅱ Environments of International Business Unit 5 104 Text A International Monetary System (国际货币体系) 104 Text B The Fall and Rise of Caterpillar Tractor 127 Unit 6 131 Text A Legal Systems in International Business (国际商务中的法律体系) 131 Text B International Intellectual Property Law 147 2 新编国际商务英语阅读教程 Unit 7 155 Text A Intellectual Property and Cyberlaw (知识产权与网络法) 155 Text B Emerging Trends in Business Law Online 177 Unit 8 181 Text A Cultural Environment in International Business (国际商务中的文化环境) 181 Text B Control in Multi national Corporations 198 Unit 9 204 Text A Regional Economic Integration (区域经济一体化) 204 Text B The Europe Union (EU) 218 Unit 10 221 Text A Demographic Environment (国际商务环境中的人口环境) 221 Text B Micromarketing:A New Marketing Era 236 Part Ⅲ Business Management Unit 11 240 Text A Managerial Importance of Customer Behavior (消费者行为管理的重要性) 240 Text B Competitive Advantages through Customer Orientation 259 Unit 12 262 Text A Products and Branding in Brand Management (名牌产品与品牌管理) 262 Text B A Glimpse into the Past of Selected Brands 285 Unit 13 289 Text A Integrated Marketing Communications (整合营销传播) 289 Text B Are Consumer Goods Companies Getting Too“Pushy”? 303 Unit 14 306 Text A E commerce (电子商务) 306 Text B Competing against the Net:Traditional Retailers 324 Unit 15 329 Text A Accounting (会计) 329 Text B Cash Flow Statement 346 3 Contents Unit 16 351 Text A Restructuring Organizations (公司重组) 351 Text B reengineering Schlage Lock Company 375 Unit 17 379 Text A Human Resource Management in the Global Firm (全球性企业的人力资源管理) 379 Text B International Labor Relations 393

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