20世纪早期日本巡演剧团在西方的接受研究 (英文版)

20世纪早期日本巡演剧团在西方的接受研究 (英文版)

1星价 ¥63.4 (7.2折)
2星价¥63.4 定价¥88.0
  • ISBN:9787313239341
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2021-01-01
  • 条形码:9787313239341 ; 978-7-313-23934-1




Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Historical and cultural context of the study 1.2 A historical overview of the three Japanese touring troupes' overseas tours 1.2.1 The Kawakami troupe's overseas tours 1.2.2 The Hankao troupe's overseas tours 1.2.3 The Tsutsui troupe's overseas tours 1 3 Literature review 1.4 Objectives and significance of the study 1.5 Methodology 1.5.1 The investigation of the Self in the pursuit of the cultural Other 1.5.2 Audience reception theory 1.5.3 The power struggle between different participants in cross-cultural theatrical communications Chapter 2 Japonisme: A Cultural Marker Underlying the Western Reception of the Japanese Touring Troupes 2.1 Origin and development of Japonisme in the West 2.2 Features of Japonisme and their manifestation in the international exhibitions 2.3 The "fine arts" perspective cultivated by Japonisme Chapter 3 Western Audiences' Reception of the Acting and Performance Feature of the Japanese Touring Troupes 3.1 The strong physicality in the acting of the Japanese troupes' performers 3.2 Hybridity in the acting and performance style of the Japanese touring troupes' productions 3.3 Killings and suicides in fight and death scenes of the Japanese troupes' performances Chapter 4 Power Relations between the Japanese Touring Troupes and Westerners 4.1 The unequal power relationship between the Japanese touring troupes and Western audiences 4.2 Publicity and public relations strategies of the Japanese touring troupes 4.3 Negotiations and cooperation in the power relationship between the Japanese touring troupes and Western theatre entrepreneurs Chapter 5 Western Avant-garde Theatre Practitioners' "(Mis)Interpretations" of the Japanese Touring Troupes 5.1 The self-affirming and selective features of the Western avant-garde theatre practitioners' reception of the Japanese troupes 5.2 "Re-theatricalization" and "re-totalization" ~ Chapter 6 Conclusion Primary Sources Collection Bibliography


  高洋,新加坡国立大学博士上海戏剧学院博士后。现任扬州大学新闻与传媒学院讲师,主要研究方向为跨文化戏剧传播。在《南京艺术学院学报》《文艺理论研究》等核心刊物发表多篇论文。    李隽,上海师范大学博士,上海戏剧学院博士后。现任扬州大学新闻与传媒学院讲师,主要研究方向为影视戏剧文学。在《南方文坛》《当代电影》等核心刊物发表过多篇论文。

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