  • ISBN:9787511053930
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:52
  • 出版时间:2020-09-15
  • 条形码:9787511053930 ; 978-7-5110-5393-0




本书用漫画的形式介绍了老子的思想理念,同时用幽默的语言阐释了《道德经》这一老子思想的结晶。《道德经》是道家的经典著作,“道”是老子哲学的*高范畴,即事物存在和变化的总规律、推动事物运动和变化的内在力量。“德”则可以理解为“顺道而行”或按“道”的法则去生活,也即老子所主张的“无为”。通过此书,读者可以轻松愉悦地了解老子的思想理念。 This book introduces Laozi's thoughts in the form of cartoons, and at the same time uses humorous language to explain the crystallization of Laozi's thoughts in Tao Te Ching. "Tao De Ching" is a classic work of Taoism. "Tao" is the highest category of Laozi's philosophy, that is, the general law of the existence and change of things, and the internal force that promotes the movement and change of things. "De" can be understood as "walking along the way" or living according to the law of "Tao", which is the "doing nothing" advocated by Laozi. Through this book, readers can easily and happily understand Laozi's ideas.


Contents Introduction 2 The Life of Laozi 3 The Cultural Platform of Laozi's Doctrine 8 The Way — Can It Be Spoken 13 Where Does Everything We Can Perceive Come from · 18 Existence and Nothingness 21 The Concepts of “The Small Country Has Few People” and “When the Great Way Is Abandoned, There Arise Benevolence and Righteousness” 25 Chinese Culture Was Built on Confucianism and Taoism Equally 28 What Is the “Way” 29 What Is “Virtue” 32 The Daodejing 36 Part One: The Classic of the Way 37 Chapter 1 38 Chapter 2 41 Chapter 3 44 Chapter 4 46 Chapter 5 48 Chapter 6 50 Chapter 7 51 Chapter 8 53 Chapter 9 56 Chapter 10 58 Chapter 11 60 Chapter 12 62 Chapter 13 64 Chapter 14 66 Chapter 15 68 Chapter 16 71 Chapter 17 73 Chapter 18 75 Chapter 19 77 Chapter 20 79 Chapter 21 83 Chapter 22 86 Chapter 23 88 Chapter 24 90 Chapter 25 92 Chapter 26 94 Chapter 27 96 Chapter 28 99 Chapter 29 102 Chapter 30 105 Chapter 31 108 Chapter 32 111 Chapter 33 113 Chapter 34 115 Chapter 35 117 Chapter 36 119 Chapter 37121 Part Two: The Classic of Virtue 123 Chapter 38 124 Chapter 39 128 Chapter 40 132 Chapter 41 134 Chapter 42 138 Chapter 43 140 Chapter 44 142 Chapter 45 144 Chapter 46 146 Chapter 47 148 Chapter 48 150 Chapter 49 152 Chapter 50 154 Chapter 51 157 Chapter 52 161 Chapter 53 163 Chapter 54 165 Chapter 55 168 Chapter 56 171 Chapter 57 173 Chapter 58 176 Chapter 59 178 Chapter 60 180 Chapter 61 182 Chapter 62 184 Chapter 63 186 Chapter 64 188 Chapter 65 191 Chapter 66 193 Chapter 67 195 Chapter 68 198 Chapter 69 200 Chapter 70 202 Chapter 71 204 Chapter 72 205 Chapter 73 207 Chapter 74 209 Chapter 75 211 Chapter 76 213 Chapter 77 215 Chapter 78 217 Chapter 79 219 Chapter 80 221 Chapter 81 224


周春才,北京人,1957年出生,职业画家、独立撰稿人。多年来,作者通过与西方文化比较,从价值观和方法论层面对中国文化进行了全面阐释,作品系统性强,形象生动,在国内外影响广泛。 保罗·怀特,英国翻译家,在中国外文局担任外国专家,在中国已工作30多年,完成《习近平谈治国理政》《中国道路与中国梦》《一国两制在香港的成功实践》等主题图书英文版的翻译改稿工作。2017年8月,获得第十一届中华图书特殊贡献奖。

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