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  • ISBN:9787300292939
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:404
  • 出版时间:2021-04-01
  • 条形码:9787300292939 ; 978-7-300-29293-9


这是一本适合所有雅思考生的口语书,也适用于每一位希望提高自己口语实力的英语学习者。首先,本书从备考策略出发,提供了雅思口语系统训练方法,符合雅思官方评分标准。其次,本书对于题库的概括完整且深入,不仅有常考话题,而且有每个话题下必考Part 3内容。第三,本书提供了丰富的词汇和短语表达,能够提高广大考生的口语实力。




**章?? 雅思口语考试介绍 /1
第二章?? 雅思口语高频表达 /11
第三章?? 雅思口语 Part 1 和 Part 2 常用句型 /47

ople 人物 /49
Objects 物体 /54
Media 媒体 /70
Places 地方 /80
Events 事件 /97
第四章?? 雅思口语 Part 3 答题素材 /113

ople 人物 & Animals 动物 /115
Objects 物体 /165
Media 媒体 /224
Places 地方 /251
Events 事件 /283



第二章 雅思口语高频表达 内容示例: 名??词 ◆ lifesaver ['la??fse??v??(r)] n. 救星 例句:1. Smartphone(智能手机)are our daily lifesavers. We do everything on our phones, such as listening to music, reading news, shopping, paying bills(付账), hailing a taxi(叫出租车), you name it(应有尽有). 2. Electronic maps(电子地图)are my lifesaver when I travel. 3. GPS is my lifesaver when I drive. 4. Snacks(零食), such as chocolate and cookies, are my lifesaver when I write essays(论文). They help boost my energy(增加能量). 5. I’m a coffee drinker(常喝咖啡的人). Coffee is my lifesaver. It wakes me up(让我清醒)and makes me feel refreshed(精神振作的). 6. Sally helped me pass the test. She is a real lifesaver. 7. This book is my lifesaver in terms of(在……方面)improving my spoken English(提高英语口语). 补充:save one’s life 很有用 / 救某人 例句:1. This thick jacket(厚夹克)saves my life in winter. 2. I’m a forgetful(健忘的)person and I’m so unorganised(无条理的). My planner(记事本)saves my life and I can’t live without it. 3. Music is my mood-lifter(情绪提升剂), it saves my life. 第三章 雅思口语Part 1和Part 2常用句型 内容示例: Media 媒体 Topic 1 & 2 : Music 音乐 /Musical instruments 乐器 ??Music has healing power. It can lift our spirits. 注解:heal [hi??l] v. 治愈 healing power 治愈力 lift one’s spirits 让某人高兴 补充:1. The music lightens up my mood(让我心情愉悦). 2. Listening to music is a good way to unwind(放松). 3. I love music. I’m always listening to music and I’m always on the hunt for(寻找)good music. 4. I grew up listening to Jay Chou.(我是听周杰伦的歌长大的。)Some of his songs are quite inspiring(非常励志). 第四章 雅思口语Part 3答题素材 内容示例: Objects 物体 Topic 1 & 2: A piece of electronic equipment 电子设备 /Technology 科技 What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic devices like computers and mobile phones? In terms of the benefits, we become more efficient and productive at work by using computers. We can work from home and do business online. Also, we can use our laptops to search for tons of learning materials and take online courses. Plus, these electronic devices make our lives much easier. For example, we can use our smartphones to take photos, listen to music, shop online, book train tickets, hail a taxi and so on. But many of us are addicted to our phones and computers. We can’t take our eyes off the screen. We are on social medial all the time and want to keep up with everything on it. Many of us have got nomophobia and live a sedentary lifestyle. Also, staring at a screen for a long time may cause neck and shoulder pain as well as eye strain. Plus, technology has ruined our meal time. We can’t stop looking at our phones while eating. 注释:efficient [??'f????nt] adj. 效率高的 productive [pr??'d??kt??v] adj.多产的 search for 搜寻 take online courses 上网课 nomophobia [??n????m??????f????bi??] n. 无手机恐惧症 live a sedentary lifestyle过着久坐的生活方式 stare at 盯着看 eye strain 眼疲劳 ruin one’s meal time破坏用餐时间 can’t stop doing 忍不住做某事



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