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  • ISBN:9787115567758
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:348
  • 出版时间:2021-09-01
  • 条形码:9787115567758 ; 978-7-115-56775-8


适读人群 :心理学专业的学生、教师、研究者,对心理学感兴趣的普通读者l 畅销20余年、被译为6种语言的心理学入门经典 l 中国心理学会前理事长、天津师范大学副校长白学军教授推荐; l 高等学校心理学教学指导委员会推荐; l 全景式地展现心理学历史上*重要的40项研究,生动描绘心理学大师们的绝妙思路和天才想法; l 雄踞美国亚马逊排行榜TOP100畅销书行列; l 豆瓣累计数千余条评价,位列豆瓣读书评分9分以上榜单; l 第8版做了许多重要而实质性的变化和补充,全面更新了每个研究末尾的近期应用部分。


《改变心理学的40项研究(第8版,英文版)》从历史的角度,展示了40项心理学研究以及由其所开拓的新领域,同时也向我们展示了心理学这一学科从诞生到当今快速发展这一神奇的演化过程。 《改变心理学的40项研究》可作为各高等院校心理学专业的参考教材,以及普通读者了解心理学的入门读物。本书先后被翻译成6种语言,在世界各地出版发行。第8版做了许多重要而实质性的变化和补充,更新了每个研究末尾的近期应用部分。阅读本书,感受这些研究在心理学发展历程中的重要地位。 《改变心理学的40项研究》(第8版,英文版)共分为10个专题,包括“生物学与人类行为”“感觉与意识”“学习与条件作用”“智力、认知与记忆”“毕生发展”“情绪与动机”“人格”“心理障碍”和“社会心理学”。每个专题下选取了4项研究。每项研究的内容包括:题目、作者、原始出处、问题提出的背景、理论假设、研究方法、结果、讨论、意义与批评、近期应用和参考文献。


1 Biology and Human Behavior 1
2 Perception and Consciousness 35
3 Learning and Conditioning 67
4 Intelligence, Cognition, and Memory 96
5 Human Development 131
6 Emotion and Motivation 164
7 Personality 196
8 Psychopathology 232
9 Psychotherapy 264
10 So Psychology 294
Author Index 328
Subject Index 336



You are probably aware that the two halves (or hemispheres) of your brain are not the sameand that they perform different functions. For example, in general, the left side of yourbrain is responsible for movement on the right side of your body, and vice versa. Beyondthis, though, the two brain hemispheres have much more elaborate specialized abilities. It has come to be rather common knowledge that for most of us, the left braincontrols our ability to use language while the right is involved in spatial relationships,such as those needed for artistic activities. Stroke or head-injury patients who sufferdamage to the left side of the brain will often lose, to varying degrees, their ability tospeak (often this skill returns with therapy and training). Some researchers believe thateach hemisphere of your brain may actually be a separate mental system with its ownindividual abilities for learning, remembering, perceiving the world, and feeling emotions. The concepts underlying this view of the brain rest on early scientific research onthe effects of splitting the brain into two separate hemispheres. This research was pioneered by Roger W. Sperry (1913–1994), beginning about15 years prior to the article examined in this chapter. In his early work with animalsubjects, Sperry made many remarkable discoveries. For example, in one series of studies, cats’brains were surgically altered to sever the connection between the two halvesof the brain and to alter the optic nerves so that the left eye transmitted informationonly to the left hemisphere and the right eye only to the right hemisphere. Following surgery, the cats appeared to behave normally and exhibited virtually with no illeffects. Then, with the right eye covered, the cats learned a new behavior, such as walking through a short maze to find food. After the cats became skilled at maneuveringthrough the maze, the eye cover was shifted to the cats’ left eyes. Now, when the catswere placed back in the maze, their right brains had no idea where to turn, and theanimals had to relearn the entire maze from the beginning. Sperry conducted many related studies over the next 30 years, and in 1981 hereceived the Nobel Prize for his work on the specialized abilities of the two hemispheresof the brain. When his research endeavors turned to human participants in the early1960s, he was joined in his work at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) by Michael Gazzaniga. Although Sperry is considered to be the founder of split-brain research, Gazzaniga’s article has been chosen here because it is a clear, concise summary of their early collaborative work with human participants and it, along with other related research by Gazzaniga, is cited often in psychology texts. Its selection is in no way intended to overlook or overshadow either Sperry’s leadership in this field or his great contributions. Gazzaniga owes his early research, and his discoveries in the area of hemispheric specialization, to Roger W. Sperry (see Sperry, 1968; Puente, 1995). To understand split-brain research, some knowledge of human physiology isrequired. The two hemispheres of your brain are in constant communication with oneanother via the corpus callosum, a structure made up of about 200 million nerve fibers(Figure 1.1.1). If your corpus callosum is cut, this major line of communication is disrupted, and the two halves of your brain must function then independently. If we wantto study each half of your brain separately, “all” we need to do is surgically sever yourcorpus callosum.


[美]罗杰·霍克(Roger R. Hock)罗杰·霍克博士是美国的门多西诺学院(Mendocino College)心理学教授,在心理学方面有30多年教学经验。在教学过程中,他发现大多数心理学教科书因篇幅有限,无法详细介绍作为学科基础的研究过程,于是筹备本书以填补教科书与科学研究之间的沟壑。霍克站在学科发展的高度,纵观心理学研究的发展历程,精心筛选出对心理学发展影响大、文献引用较多且到现在仍受关注的40项研究,范围涵盖广泛,介绍系统详实。

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