

¥89.6 (7.0折) ?
1星价 ¥89.6
2星价¥89.6 定价¥128.0
  • ISBN:9787119128122
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:167
  • 出版时间:2021-10-01
  • 条形码:9787119128122 ; 978-7-119-12812-2


新中国成立后,主席曾说:“讲轻工业,不能忘记张謇”。总书记称赞清末状元张謇“提倡实干兴邦,起而行之,兴办了一系列实业、教育、医疗、社会公益事业,帮助群众,造福乡梓,是我国民族企业家的楷模。” 为了让更多人了解张謇,弘扬中华文化熏陶出来的知识分子的社会担当和人文情怀,南通市委网信办组织编写了《漫话张謇》一书。通过彩色漫画作品配以短文,用中英文对照的形式呈现。全书概述了张謇先生人生传略,重点展示张謇在国家内忧外患之时,穷且益坚、不坠青云之志,依靠奋斗和创新,造福乡梓的故事。该书由张謇曾孙张慎欣先生担任顾问,由外文出版社出版,国内外发行。




I Camefrom the Sea,Riding onthe Golden Turtle
● 年少显峥嵘
Showing Promise at a Young Age
● 九百九十九
Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine
● 冒籍之灾
The Imposture Affair
● 初露头角
Revealing Outstanding Talent
● 经营乡里
Contributing to His Hometown
● 高中状元
Top Scorer in the Highest Imperial Examination
● 创立大生
Founding Dasheng
● 参与创立民国
Involvement in Initiating Republicanism
● 出入政坛
Breaking Away from Political Circles
● 会须身伴五山灵
My Body Will Accompany Five Mountains
A Bold Pioneer
Pioneering on Many Fronts
● 大生企业集团——中国**个大型民营资本集团
Dasheng Enterprise Group – China’s First Large Private Group
● 通海垦牧公司——中国**个沿海垦殖公司
Tonghai Reclamation Company – China’s First Coastal Reclamation Company
● 通州师范学校——中国**所民立中等师范学校
Tongzhou Normal School – China’s First Private Secondary Normal School
● 南通博物苑——中国**座公共博物馆
Nantong Museum – China’s First Public Museum
● 江浙渔业公司——中国**家渔业公司
Jiangzhe Fishery Company – China’s First Modern Fishery Company in China
● 江苏省立水产学校——中国**所水产高等院校
Jiangsu Provincial Aquatic School – China’s First Aquatic Institution of Higher Education
● 吴淞商船学校——中国**所航海高等院校
Wusong Merchant Marine School – China’s First Higher Education Institution for Navigation
● 河海工程专门学校——中国**所水利专业高等学校
Hohai Engineering Specialized School – China’s First Higher Education School Specializing in Water Conservancy
● 军山气象台——中国**座气象台
Junshan Observatory – China’s First Observatory
● 南通纺织专门学校——中国**所纺织专业高等学校
Nantong Textile Specialized School – China’s First Textile Specialized Higher Education School
● 伶工学社——中国**所戏剧学校
Linggong Academy – China’s First Drama School
● 中国**个实施全境地理测绘的地区
The First City in the Country to Implement Territory-wide Geographic Mapping
● 中国**个普及义务教育的县
The First County in the Country to Achieve Universal Compulsory Education
● “中国近代**城”
The Pioneering City in Modern China
Everyone Has aStake in the Rise andFall of the Nation
● 以天下为己任
Taking the Destiny of the Country as His Own Responsibility
● 愤笔春帆楼
Lamenting at Shunpanro
● 百世以公为公
Our Admiration for Cao Ding Passes on from Generation to Generation
● 唤醒民众爱国精神
Raising Patriotism among the People
Fighting withan Indomitable Will toEnlighten the People
Being Resolute in Fulfilling His Aspiration
● 棉铁主义
Cotton and Iron First
● 土产外销
Selling Local Products to the Market Outside of Nantong
● 信幸相连
Fortune Always Comes with Integrity
● 让利育商
Cutting Price in Favor of Other Merchants
● 与海相磨
Grappling with the Sea
● “公司+ 农户”的创举
A Remarkable Creation of “Company plus Farmers”
● 沿海垦殖开发
Development of Coastal Reclamation
● 植树造林
● 新的城市形象
Transforming the Urban Image
● 强健身心
Strengthening the Body and Mind
● 沪通之间,折苇可渡
Sailing between Shanghai and Nantong on a Piece of Reed
Treating Peoplewith Sincerity andValuing Talents
● 忠信笃敬
Loyalty, Faithfulness, Assurance, and Respect
● 坚苦自立,忠实不欺
Self-reliance and Faithfulness
● 以公容错
Tolerating Unintentional Mistakes and Upholding Fairness
● 跨国的忘年交
Transnational Friendship
● 器重才俊
Valuing Talented People
● 涵养家风
Nurturing Family Spirit
CultivatingMoral Integrityand BeingDiligent all Through Life
● 生生不息
The Greatest Virtue Is People’s Well-being

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