

1星价 ¥64.4 (7.3折)
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  • ISBN:9787301327661
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2021-12-01
  • 条形码:9787301327661 ; 978-7-301-32766-1






Contents Introducing Universities and Disciplines CHEN Baosheng Interdisciplinarity and Paradigm Shift of Modern Science —A Speech Given at the First National Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies Conference and Joint Meeting of Academies for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research HAN Qide Theoretical Reflection and Practical Inquiry on the Construction and Evaluation of Disciplines with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era HUANG Baoyin, LIN Mengquan and CHEN Yan Reflections on Universities and Disciplines ZHANG Pingwen Exploring the Connotative Means of Disciplinary Development Particularly Applicable to Underdeveloped Regions —A Case Study of Lanzhou University YAN Chunhua The Historical Evolution, Functions and Optimization of the Discipline Catalogue in China MA HuaideWANG Zhiyong On Developmental Laws and Prospects of Legal Science WANG LimingHUANG Wenyi Meta Evaluation: The Circulation of Evaluation and the Value Origin ZHOU Zuoyu On the Dilemma of Late Developing and Exogenous Academic System and Dealing Strategy YAN Fengqiao Academic Disciplines Connotation, Its Mechanism and Basis for Classification YAN Guangcai Discipline System: Chinese Features and World Significances LU Xiaozhong


  It can be seen that over the past 40 years of the Reform and Openingup, great progress has been made in the construction of universities anddisciplines in China. On one hand, the continuous expansion of theundergraduates and graduates has provided considerable high-qualitytalents for China's modernization drive. On the other hand, scientificresearch has grown from scratch and from weakness to strength; some ofthe research has approached or even reached the center of the worldacademic stage, providing important support for China to build itself into ascientific and technological power.  Meanwhile, we should also admit that there is still a large gap betweenthe development of universities and disciplines in China and the topinnovative universities in Europe and the United States, and somecharacteristics may become constraints hindering future development.First, there are too few original scientific research achievements inuniversities, too few key technological breakthroughs to solve the"bottleneck" problems in the field of science, engineering and medicine,and a little new knowledge and few ideas with great influence in the field ofhumanities and social sciences. At present, our university researchinstitutions and personnel have enlarged their scale, but there is still acertain distance from the "stronger" development; they are generally in thestage of studying the German model. Reasons behind this are mixed, suchas the false evaluation standard of "five-only" (paper only, official titleonly, academic title only, academic background only, award only), thepoor graduate matriculate quality and defective cultivating methods andso on.  Second, it is difficult to bring in top global talents to enrich ourteaching staffs. The attraction of American universities to the world's besttalents has provided a lasting impetus for the sustainable development oftheir universities and disciplines. In contrast, despite the rapid growth ofChina's economic strength in recent years, the attraction of our universitiesto the global top talents is still limited, which may attribute to the culturaldifferences between the East and the West, the policies and regulations ontalent introduction, etc.  Third, an overall innovation environment has not been built tostimulate the vitality of various innovative subjects. Nowadays, theboundaries of universities are becoming vaguer and vaguer, and they areincreasingly closely connected with the government, enterprises and otherinnovative subjects. With the rapid development of scientific andtechnological innovation, the output of original scientific knowledgeproduced only by universities is far from meeting the needs of the countryand society. It is necessary to form a holistic environment for innovation,in which universities are an important link. One of the successfulexperiences of American universities is the close integration betweenuniversities and other innovative entities, which creates innovation points,such as MIT's integration with the defense industry, Stanford University'scooperation with the high-tech enterprises of Silicon Valley, and so on.Recently, China has also begun to attach importance to the role ofuniversities in major scientific research projects and transformation ofscientific and technological achievements, and encourages the innovation ofcombining production, education, research and application in universities.  ……


黄宝印,现任教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心主任,《大学与学科》杂志主编,主持国家社科基金重点项目“我国研究生教育质量指数研究”。毕业于中国人民大学世界经济专业,硕士学位。曾长期在国务院学位委员会办公室、教育部学位管理与研究生教育司工作,历任文理医学科处处长、专业学位教育处处长,学位办副主任、研究生司副司长。 张平文,现任北京大学党委常委、副校长,数学科学学院教授,《大学与学科》杂志执行主编。先后当选教育部长江学者特聘教授,获国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目学术带头人,中国科学院数学物理学部院士,发展中国家科学院院士。

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