Ultrasonography diagnosis of peripheral nerves

Ultrasonography diagnosis of peripheral nerves

1星价 ¥229.5 (7.7折)
2星价¥229.5 定价¥298.0
  • ISBN:9787117317252
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:111页
  • 出版时间:2021-06-01
  • 条形码:9787117317252 ; 978-7-117-31725-2


  As a hot topic in ultrasound medicine, peripheral nerve ultrasound has its wide applications in clinical field. This book firstly introduces the anatomy of peripheral nerves, method and normal sonograms for peripheral nerve scanning. In the following chapters, common and typical cases of peripheral nerves diseases are presented with useful clinical information and relevant data, for example, ultrasound, MRI, clinical operation and pathology results. At the end of each disease, video with detailed explanation of diagnostic procedure and 2-3 bullet points in practical differential diagnosis are included to help readers taking notes. This book will be a valuable reference for physicians in ultrasound, anesthetists, neurologists, pain specialists, and practitioners interested in related field.


1 Anatomy of Peripheral Nerves
2 Scanning Methods for Peripheral Nerves and Normal Ultrasonograms
3 Ultrasonography of Peripheral Nerve Abnormalities
4 Typical Cases of Peripheral Nerve Injuries
5 Application and Prospects of New Ultrasonic Technologies in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Disorders

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