

1星价 ¥17.5 (7.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787550517950
  • 装帧:70g轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:104
  • 出版时间:2022-09-01
  • 条形码:9787550517950 ; 978-7-5505-1795-0


听力材料选自经典作品,音频发音纯正,语速适中,特别适合四年级学生听力练习。扫二维码听音频,方便快捷。 ★原文精品:所有听力材料均选自《伊索寓言》《拉封丹寓言》及英美国家儿童寓言故事。 ★目标设置:按照《英语课程标准》规定的标准,为不同年级的小学生配备相应的听力材料。 ★随文释义:听力材料后附有浅显易懂的中文翻译,方便小学生理解文章大意。 ★理解测试:设置测试题,以检验小学生对听力材料的理解程度。 ★语音纯正:特聘请专业人士录制音频,发音纯正,语速适中。可扫码听音频。




1. The Fox and the Cock/1 2. The Peacock and the Crane/3 3. The Fox and the Snake/5 4. The Fox and the Stork/7 5. The Wolf in Sheep's Skin/9 6. The Fox and the Monkey/11 7. The Fir Tree and the Thorn /13 8. The Flea and the Man/15 9. The Oak and the Reeds/17 10. The Mistress and Her Servants/19 11. The Donkey and His Shadow/21 12. The Farmer and His Sons/23 13. The Weasel and the Cock/25 14. The Dogs and the Hides/27 15. The Fox and the Leopard/29 16. The Horse and the Stag/31 17. The Man and the Lion/33 18. The Fox Without Tail/35 19. The Dog and the Shadow/37 20. The Wolves and the Sheep/39 21. The Fisherman Playing the Flute/41 22. The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox/43 23. The Lion and the Wild Donkey/45 24. The Rich Man and the Tanner/47 25. The Old Woman and the Wine Jar/49 26. The Viper and the File/51 27. The Captured Bugler/53 28. The Escaped Jackdaw/55 29. The Lion King and the Monkey/57 30. The Fox and the Lion/59 31. The Farmer and the Stork/61 32. The Bald Man and the Mosquito/63 33. The Stag and the Vine/65 34. The Sick Stag/67 35. The Heifer and the Ox/69 36. The Kingdom of the Lion/71 37. The Donkey and His Driver/73 38. The Lion and the Hare/75 39. The Bull and the Calf/77 40. The Astronomer/79 41. The Laborer and the Snake/81 42. The Bald Hunter/83 43. The Mule/85 44. The Hound and the Lion/87 45. The Frogs and the Well/89 46. The Crab and the Fox/91 47. The Pig and the Sheep/93 48. The Rivers and the Sea/95 49. The Wolf and the Horse/97 50. The Wasp and the Snake/99



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