Best Practices of Urban Biodiversity Conservation

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  • ISBN:9787511148599
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:221
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787511148599 ; 978-7-5111-4859-9


  This book covers six aspects of urban biodiversity conservation: conservation policies, conservation approaches, conservation bases, wetland restoration, public participation, and typical technologies. It includes 54 best practices of urban biodiversity conservation with features and highlights and application scopes for reference by the readers from other cities. For the purposes of mainstreaming,urban biodiversity conservation has been included in China National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030) and other national plans, as well as in "national development" and "green city" projects. Some cities have formulated special biodiversity conservation plans to comprehensively integrate biodiversity conservation with laws, economy, technologies, necessary administrative measures, rather than only connecting it with administrative orders.As for in-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation, the book gives examples of urban conservation areas and many ex-situ biodiversity conservation sites,including zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums, specimen museums, germplasm banks, gene banks, as well as wildlife rescue stations and breeding centers in cities.In terms of urban green space and corridors establishment, the book mainly talks about urban land covered with natural and artificial vegetation, which plays a positive role in urban landscape, ecosystem services and enriching residents' leisure life. With respect to wetland restoration, the book narrates restoration or rebuilding ofurban wetland with technologies or projects. Moreover, it encouragesthe public to participate in urban biodiversity conservation.


Chapter Ⅰ Mainstreaming of Urban Biodiversity
[Case 1-1]Mainsteaming Urban Biodiversity into China's Mainstream Policies
[Case 1-2]Mamstreaming Urban Biodiversity Conservation into Urban
[Case 1-3]Mainstreaming Urban Biodiversity Conservation into Urban
Development Planning
[Case 1-4]National Garden City Development Initiative Promotes
Urban Biodiversity Conservation
[Case 1-5]X"an Proposes Urban Biodiversity Conservation to Cities
Around the World
[Case 1-6]Hong Kong SAR Formulates China's First Urban Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan
[Case 1-7]Shenzhen City Mainstreams Urban Biodiversity Conservation
into Municipal Policies and Regulations
[Case 1-8]Biodiversny Becomes an Evaluation Indicator for Green
Buildings in the Taiwan region
[Case 1-9]Chanba Makes Biodiversity an Indicator of City

Chapter Ⅱ In-situ Conservation and Fx-situ Conservation
[Case 2-1]A Reserve in the City-Shenzhen Futian Mangrove Reserve
[Case 2-2]Beijing Elk Garden Becomes a Paragon for the Protection of Rare and Endangered Species in China
[Case 2-3]Ctiengdu Wangjiang Tower Park Becomes a Base for the Protection of Bamboo Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge
[Case 2-4]Peking University-A Paragon of Campus Biodiversity Conservation
I Case 2-5 l Welcome Swift Back to Beijing
[Case 2-6 1 Nanchang City Unifies the Protection and Sustainable Utilization of Bird Diversity
[Case 2-7]Kunnung City Takes Multiple Measures to Protect Larus ridibundus
[Case 2-8]Ex-situ Conservation of "National Treasure"-Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
[Case 2-9]Beijmg Raptor Rescue Center-A Raptor Hospital in the City
[Case 2-10]"Noati's Ark" in the City-The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species
[Case 2-11]Science and Technology Benefits "Living Specimen"
-Protection ofAncient and Famous Trees in Beijing
[Case 2-12]Monitoring and Protection ofButterfly Diversity in Huangmei County of Hubei Province
[Case 2-13]"Ecological guardian" -Urbanization of Caidian District and Diversity Protection of natural enemy insects
Chapter Ⅲ Urban Green Land and Corridor Establishment
Chapter Ⅳ Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem
Chapter Ⅴ Public Participation and Publicity
Chapter Ⅵ Other Best Practices

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