  • ISBN:9787563242115
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:403页
  • 出版时间:2021-12-01
  • 条形码:9787563242115 ; 978-7-5632-4211-5




Chapter One Dictation of International Alphabets and Numbers Lesson 1 Dictation of International Alphabets Lesson 2 Dictation of International Numbers Lesson 3 Dictation of Mixed International Alphabets and Numbers Chapter Two Dictation of Digits, Standard Units, and Key Words Lesson 4 Dictation of Common Measurement Units Lesson 5 Dictation of Ship's Positions Lesson 6 Dictation of Ship's Courses and Speeds Lesson 7 Dictation of Ship' s Handling Key Words Lesson 8 Dictation of MSI Key Words Chapter Three Distress Communications Lesson 9 Initial Distress Calling and Acknowledging Lesson 10 Initial Distress Alerting and Receiving Lesson 11 Distress Message Relaying Lesson 12 SAR Alerting and Acknowledging Lesson 13 False Alert Cancellations Chapter Four Emergency Communications Lesson 14 Initial Emergency Calling Lesson 15 Emergency Signal Acknowledging Lesson 16 Communications on Medical Assistance and Medical Advice Chapter Five Maritime Safety Communications Lesson 17 Initial Security Calling Lesson 18 MSI Broadcasting Chapter Six Intership and Intraship Communications Lesson 19 Communications on Requiring Pilots Lesson 20 Communications on Requesting Entry and Departure Lesson 21 Communications with Ship's Agent Lesson 22 Bridge-to-Bridge Communications Lesson 23 Communication with Helicopter Lesson 24 Daily English on Board Chapter Seven PSC Inspection and Equipment Maintenance and Repair Lesson 25 Communications on PSC Inspections Concerning GMDSS Lesson 26 Communications on Maintenance and Repair GMDSS Installations Reference Glossary

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