  • ISBN:9787504779892
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:226页
  • 出版时间:2023-10-01
  • 条形码:9787504779892 ; 978-7-5047-7989-2






Chapter 1 Significance of Strawberry Production and the Status Quo at Home and Abroad Section 1 Nutrition Facts and Economic Significance of Strawberries Section 2 History and Status Quo of Strawberry Production at Home and Abroad Section 3 Problems of Strawberry Industry and Development Trends of Strawberry Production in China Chapter 2 Biological Characteristics of Strawberries Section 1 Morphological Characteristics of Strawberries Section 2 Phenological Period of Strawberries Section 3 Requirements for Environmental Conditions of Strawberries Chapter 3 Main Varieties of Strawberries Section 1 Japanese Strawberries Section 2 European and American Strawberries Section 3 Chinese Strawberries Chapter 4 Strawberries Gardening Techniques Section 1 Establishment of Protected Cultivation Strawberry Orchards Section 2 Establishment of Strawberry-Picking Orchards Chapter 5 Breeding Techniques for Strawberries Section 1 Breeding of Virus-free Strawberry Seedlings Section 2 Propagation of Strawberry Producible Plantlets Section 3 Temporary Planting Section 4 Shading and Rain-proof Breeding Section 5 Rain-proof Substrate Breeding Section 6 Self-nurturing Breeding with Elevated Beds Section 7 Layer Breeding with Elevated Beds Section 8 Measures for Flower Bud Differentiation Section 9 Outplanting and Transportation of Seedlings Chapter 6 Protected Cultivation Techniques Section 1 Forcing Culture Section 2 Semi-forcing Culture Section 3 Early Maturity Cultivation with Plastic Arched Sheds Section 4 Stereoscopic Cultivation Section 5 Ultrahigh Ridge Cultivation Chapter 7 Control Techniques of Strawberry Diseases,Pests and Weeds Section 1 Main Diseases Control Section 2 Main Pests Control Section 3 Weeds Control Chapter 8 Harvesting,Preservation,and Processing Techniques Section 1 Timely Harvest Section 2 Fruit Precooling Section 3 Fruit Packing and Transportation Section 4 Storage and Preservation Section 5 Quick-freeze Section 6 Other Processing Techniques


王全智,1981年10月生,中共党员,博士,高级农艺师。现任江苏农林职业技术学院农博园部门主任,兼任江苏省草莓协会理事。担任设施园艺、无土栽培、工厂化育苗课程等教学工作,长期从事草莓新技术、新模式研究和推广工作,担任江苏(句容)现代农业(草莓)科技综合示范基地主任。先后到美国、荷兰、日本等国家考察学习设施园艺新技术,先后获全国农牧渔业丰收奖农业技术推广贡献奖、江苏省农业技术推广奖一等奖等奖项和荣誉。授权国家发明专利2项、实用新型专利3项,参与选育植物新品种3个,鉴定植物新品种新技术1项,发表专业论文10余篇,其中SCI收录2篇。 孙朋朋,1987年10月生,硕士。任职于江苏农林职业技术学院,一直从事于草莓生理研究及草莓优良技术的研发示范和推广等工作,作为核心成员先后参与挂县强农富民工程项目、有机生态型无土高架草莓栽培技术集成示范与推广“三新”项目、草莓超低温脱毒快繁技术研究与推广“三新”项目等省市级项目8项,主持草莓夜冷育苗技术研究、优质草莓种苗生产技术等项目4项。依托项目发表核心论文3篇,授权专利9项,制定“草莓秸秆还田高垄栽培技术规程”镇江市地方标准1项。获得江苏省农业技术推广奖一等奖、江苏省农学会技术推广奖三等奖等荣誉。

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