陶行知全集 第8卷 英文卷(新编本)

陶行知全集 第8卷 英文卷(新编本)

1星价 ¥157.0 (7.2折)
2星价¥157.0 定价¥218.0
  • ISBN:9787562296409
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:692
  • 出版时间:2022-11-01
  • 条形码:9787562296409 ; 978-7-5622-9640-9




Part One English Works\r Master's Thesis\r Leased Territories in China\r Essays\r 1912\r The Testimony (in Part) of Tao Wen Tsuing\r 1914\r Application for Admission to the Graduate School\r 1916\r Mr. Chi's New Contribution\r Moral and Religious Instruction in China\r 1917\r China in Transition\r 1923\r Statistical Summaries of Chinese Education\r 1924\r Education in China 1924\r China\r 1928\r The Village Education Movement in China\r 1932\r Life is Education\r 1933\r Creative Education\r 1934\r The Little Teacher and the Literacy Movement\r 1936\r The New Mass Education Movement\r China's New Language\r China: The Mass Education Movement\r 1937\r Outline of Speech at Canadian Congress\r Outline of Chinese People's Education\r War in China\r Chinese-American Friendship\r Chinese Culture\r Outline of Politics in China\r Place of Education in China Fight for Liberty\r 1938\r Lecture\r War in China: Struggle for Liberty or Slavery\r The People's Education Movement\r China\r 1945\r Education for All\r Yu Tsai School for Talented Refugee Children\r ……\r Part Two Translated Works

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