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  • ISBN:9787306078537
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:205
  • 出版时间:2023-09-01
  • 条形码:9787306078537 ; 978-7-306-07853-7


教材包含八个单元,主题涉及政治、经济、文化、哲学、艺术、法律等,选材具有时代性、知识性和科学性。每个单元设有六个板块Warm-up Listening,Reading and Speaking,Listening and Speaking,Viewing and Speaking,Presenting Across Cultures,Telling Our Stories。教材体系完整,注重语言技


Chapter 1 Patriotism Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 2 Consumerism Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 3 Ethics Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 4 Aesthetic Traditions & Fine Arts Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 5 Global Poverty Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 6 Cultural Values & Diversity Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 7 Law& Justice Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Chapter 8 Gender Equality Part I Warm-up Listening Part II Reading and Speaking Part III Listening and Speaking Part IV Watching and Speaking Part V Critical Thinking and Speaking Part VI Project:Presenting Across Cultures Part VII Project:Telling Our Stories Answers and Scripts Chapter 1 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 2 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 3 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 4 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 5 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 6 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 7 Keys & Appendixes Chapter 8 Keys & Appendixes


叶岚,女,1985年生,现任中山大学国际翻译学院专任教师。 毕雪飞,女,1982年生,现任中山大学国际翻译学院英语系讲师。 马津,女,1978年生,现任中山大学国际翻译学院英语系副教授。

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