5G NR:the next generation wireless access technology

包邮5G NR:the next generation wireless access technology

1星价 ¥104.3 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787523211342
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:23,583页
  • 出版时间:2024-03-01
  • 条形码:9787523211342 ; 978-7-5232-1134-2


本书是国际上5G通信领域的爱立信资深专家所撰写的5G NR标准的详尽解读。本书主要内容包括:5G技术的演进背景、核心需求、用例和5G频谱;NR无线接口架构概述;对数据和控制信息的NR传输结构的详细描述;NR多天线传输技术和波束赋形功能;对NR初始接入信号和功能的详细描述,包括同步和系统信息、随机接入和寻呼信令;LTE和NR的互操作和共存;射频特性,特别解读了毫米波工作原理等。本书适合无线通信领域和相关行业的工程师,以及相关专业的学生和研究人员阅读参考。


Preface Acknowledgments Abbreviations and Acronyms 1.What Is 5G? 1.1 3GPP and the Standardization of Mobile Communication 1.2 The New Generation-5G/NR 2.5 G Standardization 2.1 Overview of Standardization and Regulation 2.2 ITU-R Activities From 3G to 5G 2.3 5G and IMT-2020 2.4 3GPP Standardization 3.Spectrum for 5G 3.1 Spectrum for Mobile Systems 3.2 Frequency Bands for NR 4.LTE-An Overview 4.1 LTE Release 8-Basic Radio Access 4.2 LTE Evolution 4.3 Spectrum Flexibility 4.4 Multi-Antenna Enhancements 4.5 Densification, Small Cells, and Heterogeneous Deployments 4.6 Device Enhancements 4.7 New Scenarios 5.NR Overview 5.1 NR Basics in Release 15 5.2 NR Evolution in Release 16 6.Radio-Interface Architecture 6.1 Overall System Architecture 6.2 Quality-of-Service Handling 6.3 Radio Protocol Architecture 6.4 User-Plane Protocols 6.5 Control-Plane Protocols 6.6 Mobility 7.Overall Transmission Structure 7.1 Transmission Scheme 7.2 Time-Domain Structure 7.3 Frequency-Domain Structure 7.4 Bandwidth Parts 7.5 Frequency-Domain Location of NR Carriers 7.6 Carrier Aggregation 7.7 Supplementary Uplink 7.8 Duplex Schemes 7.9 Antenna Ports 7.10 Quasi-Colocation 8.Channel Sounding 8.1 Downlink Channel Sounding-CSI-RS 8.2 Downlink Measurements and Reporting 8.3 Uplink Channel Sounding-SRS 9.Transport-Channel Processing 9.1 Overview 9.2 Channel Coding 9.3 Rate-Matching and Physical-Layer Hybrid-ARQ Functionality 9.4 Scrambling 9.5 Modulation 9.6 Layer Mapping 9.7 Uplink DFT-Precoding 9.8 Multi-Antenna Precoding 9.9 Resource Mapping 9.10 Downlink Reserved Resources 9.11 Reference Signals 10.Physical-Layer Control Signaling 10.1 Downlink 10.2 Uplink 11.Multi-Antenna Transmission 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Downlink Multi-Antenna Precoding 11.3 NR Uplink Multi-Antenna Precoding 12.Beam Management 12.1 Initial Beam Establishment 12.2 Beam Adjustment 12.3 Beam Recovery 12.4 Multi-TRP Transmission 13.Retransmission Protocols 13.1 Hybrid-ARO With Soft Combining 13.2 RLC 13.3 PDCP 14.Scheduling 14.1 Dynamic Downlink Scheduling 14.2 Dynamic Uplink Scheduling 14.3 Scheduling and Dynamic TDD 14.4 Transmissions Without a Dynamic Grant-Semi-Persistent Scheduling and Configured Grants 14.5 Power-Saving Mechanisms 15.Uplink Power and Timing Control 15.1 Uplink Power Control 15.2 Uplink Timing Control 16. Cell Search and System Information 16.1 The SS Block 16.2 SS Burst Set--Multiple SS Block in the Time Domain 16.3 Details of PSS, SSS, and PBCH 16.4 Providing Remaining System Information 17.Random Access 17.1 Step 1--Preamble Transmission 17.2 Step 2--Random-Access Response 17.3 Step 3/4 Contention Resolution 17.4 Random Access for Supplementary Uplink 17.5 Random Access Beyond Initial Access 17.6 Two-Step RACH 18.LTE/NR Interworking and Coexistence 18.1 LTE/NR Dual Connectivity 18.2 LTE/NR Coexistence 19.NR in Unlicensed Spectrum 19.1 Unlicensed Spectrum for NR 19.2 Technology Components for Unlicensed Spectrum 19.3 Channel Access in Unlicensed Spectra 19.4 Downlink Data Transmission 19.5 Uplink Data Transmission 19.6 Downlink Control Signaling 19.7 Uplink Control Signaling 19.8 Initial Access 20.Industrial loT and URLLC Enhancements 20.1 Uplink Preemption 20.2 Uplink Collision Resolution 20.3 Configured Grants and Semi-Persistent Scheduling 20.4 PUSCH Resource Allocation Enhancements 20.5 Downlink Control Channels 20.6 Multi-Connectivity With PDCP Duplication 20.7 Time Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Networks 21.Interference Handling in TDD Networks 21.1 Remote Interference Management 21.2 Crosslink Interference 22.Integrated Access Backhaul 22.1 IAB Archi


埃里克·达尔曼(Erik Dahlman),斯特凡·帕克瓦尔(Stefan Parkvall)和约翰·舍尔德(Johan Sköld都是爱立信公司研究院高级专家,从事移动通信研究20多年,参与2G、3G、4G、5G的研究和标准化工作,拥有多项通信技术专利和奖项,共同出版《3G Evolution: HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband》《4G, LTE-Advanced Pro and The Road to 5G》等多部经典技术专著。

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