

1星价 ¥49.4 (7.6折)
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  • ISBN:7301076193
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:小16开
  • 页数:512
  • 出版时间:2004-08-01
  • 条形码:9787301076194 ; 978-7-301-07619-4


In this book are 33 pieces of collected speeches,conference presentations,lectures and reports all written over seas by the author during the past twenty years Under the broad title of comparative literature and comparative culture,these pieces fall naturally into five categories,namely Comparative Literture Theory and the Development of Chinese Comparative listerature Studies on Transcultural Theory,Comparative Poetics,Relationships between Chinese and Western Literatures and Studies on Feminist Literature.All the works in thes book reveal the author's deep understanding of the literature and culture of her own and those of other countries.In addition,they also reflect her major achievements in the field of comparative literature and comparative culture.


Comparative Literature Theory and the Development of Chinese Coparative Literature
Comparative Literature in China
Comparative Literature and the Humanistic Spirit in the Coming Century
Multicultures and the Development of Comparative Literature
Plurality of Cultures in the Context of Globalisation and a New Perspective of Comparative Literature
Notes on Comparative Literature at the Turn of the Century
Teaching Literary History in China and the Canon of Comparative Literature
Studies on Transcultural Theory
Cultural Differences and Cultural Misreadings
Cultural Relativism and the Principle of Harmony in Difference
Cultural Self-Consciousness and Cultural Coexistence
Understandings of Reciprocal Cognition
Public Culture inh China Today
Comparative Poetics
Images of the Moon in Different Cultures
The Metaphor of the Mirror in Western and Chinese Poetics
The Transformation of Narrative Modes:From Traditional to Modern Chinese Fiction
Chinese Cultural Heritage and Its Transmission
Word,Symbol and Meaning in the Context of Chinese Poetics
Some Characteristics of Chinese Intellectuals Found in Fiction
The Upright Gentleman in Confucianism and the Perfect Man in Taoism:On Their Attitudes toward Melancholy
Relationships Between Chinese and Western literatures
On Western Literary Theory in China
Nietzsche in China
Nietzsche,Zola,and Mao Dun
On Two Controversies over Realism:A Comparative Study of the Controversy Between Lukacs and Brecht and Between Hu Feng and Zhou Yang
Fin-de-Siecle Decadence in China:Shao Xunmei,a Decadent Poet in China
Studies on Chinese Intellectuals and Chinese Women
Selected Bibliography


乐黛云,1931年1月生于贵州,1952年毕业于北京大学中文系,英语四会,俄语可阅读。现任北京大学现代文学和比较文学教授,,博士生导师、上海外国语大学顾问教授、东北师范大学、天津师范大学、厦门大学、南京大学、南京师范大学、中国语言文化大学兼任教授。1990 年获加拿大麦克马斯特大学荣誉文学博士学位,现任中国比较文学学会会长、全国外国文学学会理事。曾任北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所所长(1984—1998)、深圳大学中文系主任(1984-1989)。国际比较文学学会副主席(1990—1997)。

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