1978-2008-30 Reflections of China s 30 Yesrs of Re

包邮1978-2008-30 Reflections of China s 30 Yesrs of Re

1星价 ¥49.4 (5.6折)
2星价¥49.4 定价¥88.0
  • ISBN:9787119054391
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:232
  • 出版时间:2008-01-01
  • 条形码:9787119054391 ; 978-7-119-05439-1


  during these past 30 years, china has undergone profound changes in all its areas of endeavor. this book is intended to trace the lives of ordinary chinese people against the backdrop of the political as well as  economic reforms and the sweeping changes in the economic sector of chinese society. all the transfor- mations are observed from the detailed aspects of personal fives, enabling readers to better understand  the achievements and benefits of the reforms.   being part of all that has happened over all these years, i have hardly stopped recollecting, witnessing and pondering. there is, indeed, a reservoir of memorable, soul-stirring tales to share. although i may  not agree with all the authors of this assortment of articles, they arouse a genuine feeling of "returning" to life itself with all its details and "commonplace" occurrences. however, this sort of returning does not make us any less happy or proud to be living in such a great era. i believe that readers will feel the same - you will admit that the book is more than worth reading although you may not agree with some statements and perspectives in it.

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