建筑类专业英语 建筑管理与财务第二册

包邮建筑类专业英语 建筑管理与财务第二册

1星价 ¥16.8 (8.4折)
2星价¥16.8 定价¥20.0
  • ISBN:7112030390
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:205
  • 出版时间:2008-07-18
  • 条形码:9787112030392 ; 978-7-112-03039-2




unit one
text changing land use requirements land use patterns
reading material a land value determinants
reading material b pattern of land values
unit two
text cost planning theories and techniques
reading material a stages of outline plan
reading material b cost control procedure
unit three
text project control
reading material a project control(ⅰ)
reading material b project control(ⅱ)
unit four
text statement requirements
reading material a statement requirements(ⅱ)
reading material b statement requirements(ⅲ)
unit five
text bidding theory
reading material a responsive bids
reading material b bid bonds/bid errors-relief of bidders
unit six
text internal auditing (ⅰ)
reading material a internal auditing (ⅱ)
reading material b internal auditing (ⅲ)
unit seven
text planning your negotialtion(ⅰ)
reading material a planning your negotiation(ⅱ) explanation of negotiation planning checklist
reading material b planning your negotiation(ⅲ)
unit eight
text essential skills of project manager
reading material a essential skills of project manager(ⅱ)
reading material b techology
unit nine
text managing performance of engineers(ⅰ)
reading material a managing performance of engineers(ⅱ)
reading material b managing performance of engineers(ⅲ)
unit ten
text decision from the market study
reading material a inflation,relative price changes and market analysis
reading material b factors to be considered in analyzing markets
unit eleven
text the legal
reading material a
reading material b
unit twelve
the participants in investment decisions(ⅰ)
the participants in investment decisions(ⅱ)
text financial statement preparation
reading material a employing a controller or office manager
reading material b internal control and auditing
unit thirteen
text comparison of financial and managerial accounting
reading material a costs and control
reading material b the high—low method
unit fourteen
text the mortgagee instrument
reading material a special loan provisions
reading material b alternative financing methods
unit fifteen
text the future of real estate investing
reading material a purpose of market analysis
reading material b supply and demand analysis
unit sixteen
text insurance problems
eading materiai a claims(ⅰ)
reading material b claims(ⅱ)
appendixⅰ vocabulary
appendixⅱ translation for reference
appendixⅲ key to exercises


本书是按国家教委颁布的《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》编写的专业英语教材。本册包括成本计划、投标理论、内部审计、谈判策划、市场研究、财务报表、抵押契据、保险等方面内容。全书安排16个单元,每单元除正课文外,还有两篇阅读材料,均配有必要的注释。正课文还配有词汇表和练习,书后附有总词汇表,参考译文和练习答案。语言难度大于**册,还对科技英语翻译技巧作了简要说明,并增加了例句和翻译练习题。    本书供本专业逃生三年级下半学期使用,也可供有关专业人员自学英语参考。

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