

1星价 ¥25.3 (7.9折)
2星价¥25.3 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:7313025971
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:195 页
  • 出版时间:2009-04-01
  • 条形码:9787313025975 ; 978-7-313-02597-5








Declan Mayes, President of the Music Buyers Association, is furious at a recentannouncement by the recording industry regarding people downloading MP3 music files fromthe Internet as actual criminals.A few parallels may be instructive. If someone copies an audio music cassette for theirown private use, they are, strictly speaking, breaking the law. But recording companieshave usually turned a blind eye to this practice because prosecuting the few people involvedwould be difficult, and the financial loss to the company itself is not considered significant.Now the Music Recording Association has announced that it regards individuals downloadingmusic from the Internet as pirates, claiming that they damage the industry in just the sameway. "The industry is completely overreacting; it'll be a laughing stock," says Mayes."They're going to arrest some teenager downloading files in his bedroom-and sue him forthousands of dollars! This isn't going to frighten anyone into buying CDs".Mayes may have a point. There is a general consensus that CD pirates should besubjected to the full wrath of the law, but few would see an individual downloading music forhis or her own pleasure in the same light. However, downloading music files illegally is notas innocuous as making private copies of audio cassettes. The scratchy, distorted cassette copy is a poor version of the original recording, whereas an MP3 file is of high quality and can be stored-on a CD, for example. It is this that makes the practice a powerful temptation for music fans, given the high cost of CDs.What does Mayes think about claims that music companies could be forced out of business by people downloading music illegally? That's nonsense. Music companies are always whining about high costs, but that doesn't prevent them from recording hundreds of CDs by completely unknown artists, many of whom are "packaged" by marketing departments to appeal to young consumers. The companies are simply hoping that one

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