

1星价 ¥24.9 (7.6折)
2星价¥24.9 定价¥32.8
  • ISBN:9787802185708
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32
  • 页数:12
  • 出版时间:2009-06-01
  • 条形码:9787802185708 ; 978-7-80218-570-8






Part1 前台服务Unit 1 预订房间Room ReservationUnit 2 团队预订Making the Group ReservationUnit 3 改变预订Changing the ReservationUnit 4 取消预订Cancelling the ReservationUnit 5 酒店设施The FacilitiesUnit 6 设施位置The Location of the FacilitiesUnit 7 机场接客Receiving a Guest at the AirportUnit 8 入住宾馆Check—inUnit 9 迎宾接待ReceptionUnit 10 欢迎熟客Welcoming the Old GuestUnit 11 推荐餐厅Recommending RestaurantUnit 12 确认姓名Confirmation of NamesUnit 13 公司付账On a Company AccountUnit 14 持有预付收据WM a Hotel VoucherUnit 15 再度光临而房费不同Room Rate Changes for a Returning Guest Unit 16 兑换货币Exchanging MoneyUnit 17 旅游服务Tourism ServiceUnit 18 为客人叫出租车Calling a Taxi for theGuestUnit 19 饭店安全Hotel SafetyUnit 20 汽车安排Car ServicesUnit 21 结账离店Check-outUnit 22 带至柜台To the Reception DeskUnit 23 带至客房To the Guest RoomUnit 24 搭乘电梯Taking the ElevatorUnit 25 到达客房Arriving at the RoomUnit 26 送错行李Delivering to the Wrong RoomUnit 27 提取客人行李Picking up Guest’S BagsUnit 28 领取行李Collecting BagsUnit 29 寄存物品Depositing ItemsUnit 30 领取物品Collecting ItemsUnit 31 遗失取物牌Tag Being LostPart2 咨询服务Unit 32 询问客房号码Inquiring Room NumberUnit 33 查询姓名未列在表上The Name Doesn’t Appear on the ListUnit 34 给住宿旅客留言Message for Staying GuestsUnit 35 替客人传话Conveying Messages for GuestsUnit 36 介绍临近场所Introducing Nearby LocationsUnit 37 介绍较远场所Introducing Faraway LocationsUnit 38 指示客人如何到旅馆Giving Directions to the HotelUnit 39 指示客人如何到目的地Giving Directions to the Destination Unit 40 提供逛街观光信息Information for Shopping&Sightseeing Unit 41 标准洗衣服务Standa Laundry Servicepart 3 客房服务 Housekeepine ServicesUnit 42 干洗服务Dry Laundry ServiceUnit 43 快洗服务Express Laundry ServiceUnit 44 修补服务Mending ServiceUnit 45 送错衣服Mis-deliveryUnit 46 送餐服务Delivering Food ServiceUnit 47 唤醒服务Wake-up Call ServiceUnit 48 客房清理服务Room-Cleaning ServiceUnit 49 电器维修Appliances MaintenanceUnit 50 设施维修Facilities MaintenanceUnit 51 医疗服务Medical ServiceUnit 52 床上用品Bed AmenitiesUnit 53 为客人铺床Making Beds for GuestsUnit 54 客人用品Guest AmenitiesUnit 55 卧室用品Bedroom AmenitiesUnit 56 铺床服务Evening Turn-down ServiceUnit 57 借用电器设备Borrowing Electric EquipmentUnit 58 突然生病Illness EmergencyUnit 59 失物招领Lost and FoundUnit 60 特殊要求Special RequestUnit 61 应对火警Responding to Fire AlarmUnit 62 延长住宿Extending the StayUnit 63 更换客房Changing the RoomUnit 64 丢失手表Losing the WatchUnit 65 丢失钱包Losing the WalletUnit 66 送洗衣物受损Laundry is DamagedUnit 67 物品遗留客房Leaving Some Items in the RoomUnit 68 需要药品Asking for MedicineUnit 69 其他服务Other Se~ices to the Room GuestsUnit 70 被锁在防火道之外Being Locked out of the Fire ExitUnit 71 留言服务Message Servicepart 4 电话服务 Telephone servicesUnit 72 转接服务Transfer ServiceUnit 73 通信故障Communication DisorderUnit 74 国际直拨电话International Direct CallUnit 75 接听电话An Coming-in CallUnit 76 叫人电话Person-to-Person CallUnit 77 叫号电话Station-to-Station CallUnit 78 长途电话Long Distance CallUnit 79 对方付费电话Collect CallUnit 80 内线电话Room-to-Room CallUnit 81 电话占线A Busy LineUnit 82 国际电话费用International RatesUnit 83 人工叫醒电话Manual Wake-up CallUnit 84 拨打本地紧急电话Dialing Local Emergency NumberUnit 85 客房无人回应No Reply from the Room


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