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  • ISBN:9787560088570
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:200
  • 出版时间:2009-08-01
  • 条形码:9787560088570 ; 978-7-5600-8857-0


《如何提高词汇教学成效》:Learing in Doing·剑桥英语课堂教学系列




AcknowledgementsPreface PART A WORDS:THEIR MEANIGS AND FORMS1 Language awareness activities 2 Words and their meanings 2.1 Conceptual meanin9 2.2 Affective meanin9 2.3 Style,register and dialect 2.4 Sense relations 2.4.1 Synonymy 2.4.2 Hyponymy 2.4.3 Antonymy 2.4.4 0ther types of relations 2.4.5 Translation equivalents 2.5 Multi.word verbs 2.6 Idioms 2.7 Collocation 2.8 Componential analysis 3 Words and theirforms3.1 The grammar of vocabulary 3.2 Word building3.3 Pronunciation PART B PRINCIPLES IN LEARNING ADN TEACHING VOCABULARY4 Decisions about content 4.1 Student responsibility and teacher responsibility 4.2 Criteria for selection 4.2.1 Frequency 4.2.2 Cultural factors 4.2.3 Need and level 4.2.4 Expediency 4.3 Receptive vcrsus productive vocabulary 4.4 HOW many iterns to teach 4.5 Grouping of items of vocabulary 5 How the learner discovers meanin9 5.1 Traditional approaches and techniques used in the presentation of new vocabulary iterns 5.1.1 Visual techniques 5.1.2 Verbal techniques 5.1.3 Translation 5.2 Student.centred learnin9 5.2.1 Asking others 5.2.2 Using a dictionary 5.2.3 Contextual guesswork 6 Memory and written storage Teoretical aspects 6.1 Types of memory 6.2 Organisation of the mentallexicon 6.3 Why do we forget?89Practical implications 6.4 Meaningful tasks 6.5 lmagery 6.6 Rote learning 6.7 Recyclin9 6.8 Written storage systems for Iearners PART C CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES7 Using visuaI aids 7.1 Using pictures as a guide to meanin9 7.2 Using pictures for further practice 8 Using authentic reading texts9 Teacher designed contexts and the use of the dictionary 10 Speaking activities 10.1 Role play 10.2 Narrative 10.3 Processes,priorities and appropriacy 11 Games,questionnaires and problem solvingPART D VOCABULARY IN COURSE BOOKS12 Vocabulary in course books12.1 Checklist12.2 Extracts from course booksKey BibliographyIndex



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