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  • ISBN:9787544613712
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:222
  • 出版时间:2009-08-01
  • 条形码:9787544613712 ; 978-7-5446-1371-2




  为展示学术研究的*新动态和成果,并为广大优秀的博士人才提供广阔的学术交流的平台,上海外语教育出版社隆重推出“外教社博学文库”。该文库遴选国内的优秀博士论文,遵循严格的“专家推荐、匿名评审、好中选优”的筛选流程,内容涵盖语言学、文学、翻译和教学法研究等各个领域。该文库为开放系列,理论创新性强、材料科学翔实、论述周密严谨、文字简洁流畅,其问世必将为国内外广大读者在相关的外语学习和研究领域提供又一宝贵的学术资源。   本书是以认知语言学为视角对翻译现象进行的一项系统研究。它吸收了关联翻译论和翻译图示研究的成果,结合认知语言学的基本理论假设,创建了翻译中意义建构的认知模式。本书以“识解”作为文本对比分析的中介概念,刻画了具体翻译中涉及的多样化认知运作,并对若干翻译案例在系统描述的基础上结合三个认知原则进行了解释,模拟了翻译认知文本分析的框架。    本书内容丰富,例证翔实,对从事翻译教学和研究的教师、研究人员以及相关专业研究生都具有参考价值。


Chapter 1 Introduction and OverviewChapter 2 Toward a Cognitive Model of Meaning Construction in Translation2.1 Introduction2.2 Two Cognitive Constructivist Approaches to Translation2.2.1 The Relevance theory of translation2.2.2 A Schema-theoretic view of translation2.2.3 Correlation between the Relevance theory of translation and the Schema-theoretic view of translation2.2.4 An explanatory frame: Three cognitive principles governing translation in a sequence of priority2.3 A Cognitive Linguistic View of Meaning Construction and Translation2.3.1 What is cognitive linguistics?2.3.2 The interaction between language and cognition in meaning construction in translation2.3.3 Language schemata redefined and the sanctioning effects of linguistic conventions in translation2.3.4 On-line construal in language use and translation2.4 A Cognitive Model of Meaning Construction in TranslationChapter 3 Domain Conceptualization and Ground Construal in Translation3.1 Domain Conceptualization and Ground Construal3.1.1 Cognitive domains3.1.2 Ground3.2 Construal and Cognitive Abilities3.3 Image Transformation/Construal Shifis in Meaning Construction and the Implications for Translation3.4 The Methodology of Investigating Translational Shifts and Variations3.4.1 Descriptive Translation Studies vs.Prescriptive Translation Studies3.4.2 Comparative analytical method of the DTS3.5 Translational Shifts and Variations along Different Dimensions of Construal3.5.1 Base/profile organization3.5.2 Level of specificity (abstraction)3.5.3 Subjectivity vs.objectivity3.5.4 Perspective3.5.5 Prominence: figure/ground organization3.5.6 Interaction between different construal operations3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Image Schematic, Metonymic and Metaphorical Construal in Translation4.1 Image Schema and Image Schematic Transformations in Translation4.2 Metonymic Construal in Translation4.2.1 A traditional view ofmetonymy and metonymy translation4.2.2 Metonymy in cognitive linguistics and in translation4. 2. 3 Interim summary4. 3 Metaphorical Construal in Translation4. 3.1 A brief review of metaphor translation study in the past4. 3. 2 A cognitive linguistic view of metaphor and metaphortranslationCase study I: Strategies of emotional metaphor translationCase study 2: The systematic use of heart metaphors in Scarlet Letterand its Chinese translation4. 4 SummaryChapter 5 Language Schemata, Preferred Construal Patterns, and Cognitive Changes in Translation5. 1 Language Schemata and Preferred Construal Pattems5. 2 Image-Schema-Based Preferred Construal Patterns5. 3 Figure/Ground Construal and Animacy5. 4 The Sanctioning Effects of Preferred Construal Patterns in TranslationChapter 6 Cognitive Styles of Translation6. 1 Introduction: A Formula of Cognitive Style6. 2 The Coherence of Construal Operations in Fu Donghua's Translation of Gone with the Wind6. 3 Metaphorical Coherence in Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Its Translation6. 4 The Cognitive Styles of Pound and Yip's Chinese Poetry Translation6. 4. 1 A critical review on the syntactic analysis of classical Chinese poetry and its translation6. 4. 2 Pound and Yip's aesthetics of Chinese poetry and its translation6. 4. 3 The correlation between Pound and Yip's aesthetic principles and construal operations6. 4. 4 The preferred construal configuration of Chinese poetics and Pound and Yip's cognitive styles of Chinese poetry translation6. 4. 5 The transplanting issue6. 5 ConclusionChapter 7 Conclusion7. 1 Major Findings.7. 2 Limitations and Directions for Future StudyBibliographyAppendix: A glossary in English and Chinese



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