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  • ISBN:9787300112558
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:286
  • 出版时间:2009-10-01
  • 条形码:9787300112558 ; 978-7-300-11255-8




part one foundations of business communication
chapter 1 understanding business communication
chapter 2 interpersonal communication skills
part two developing your business writing skills
chapter 3 the writing process
chapter 4 revising your writing
part three correspondence
chapter 5 routine letters, memos, and e-mail messages
chapter 6 persuasive letters, memos, and e-mail messages
chapter 7 bad-news letters, memos, and e-mail messages
part four written and oral business reports
chapter 8 writing the business report
chapter 9 making oral presentations
part five employment communication
chapter 10 the job search, resumes, and job-application letter
chapter 11 employment interviewing and follow-up




插图:Revise the following paragraph to incorporate more positive language: We cannot issue a full refund at this time because you did not enclose a receipt or an authorized esti- mate. I'm sorry that we will have to delay your reimbursement. We are not like those insurance compa- nies that promise you anything but then disappear when you have a claim. When we receive your re- ceipt or estimate, we will not hold up your check. Our refusal to issue reimbursement without proper supporting evidence means that we do not have to charge you outlandish premiums for your automo-bile insurance.Wordy Expressions Revise the following sentences to eliminate wordy phrases by substituting a singleword wherever possible.a. Push the red button in the event that you see any smoke rising from the cooking surface,b. More than 40 percent of the people polled are of the opinion that government spending should be reduced.c. Please send me more information pertaining to your new line of pesticides,d. Due to the fact that two of the three highway lanes were dosed for repairs, I was nearly 20 minutes late for my appointment,Hidden Verbs Revise the following sentences to eliminate hidden verbs.a. After much deliberation, the group came to a decision about how to respond to the lawsuit.b. Although Hugh wanted to offer an explanation of his actions, his boss refused to listen.c. Nationwide Call Systems is performing an analysis of our calling patterns to determine how we can save money on long-distance telephone calls.Hidden Subjects Revise the following sentences to eliminate hidden subjects.a. There are four principles of marketing that we need to consider.b. There are several new assignments that should be made.c. It is our intent to complete the project by Friday at 3 p.m.d. If you are confused, there are some diagrams that you should review.Sentence Variety Revise the following paragraph by varying sentence types and sentence l

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