

1星价 ¥22.1 (6.9折)
2星价¥22.1 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:9787509607831
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:214
  • 出版时间:2010-01-01
  • 条形码:9787509607831 ; 978-7-5096-0783-1


举一反三 循序渐进 即学即用 通俗详尽




part 1 expressions of intention 表达意向
 unit one request 表达请求
 unit two compliments and thanks 称赞与感谢
 unit three apology 表达道歉
 unit four suggestions 提出建议
 unit five agreement and disagreement 同意和反对
 unit six arguing and reproach 争吵与责备
 unit seven helpless and disappointment 无奈和失望
 unit eight worry and fear 担心与恐惧
part 2 focus on health 聚焦健康
 unit one health food 健康食物
 unit two ul treatment 生病就医
 unit three health medicine 保健养生
 unit four relaxation 休闲减压
 unit five physical exercises 强身健体
 unit six no smoking 远离吸烟
 unit seven fighting against cancer 抗击癌症
 unit eight fighting aids and sars 抗击艾滋病与“非典”
part 3 etiquette english 礼仪英语
 unit one dance etiquette 舞会礼仪
 unit two dining etiquette 就餐礼仪
 unit three wedding etiquette 婚嫁礼仪
 unit four visiting a patient 探病礼仪
 unit five business etiquette 商务礼仪
 unit six office etiquette 办公礼仪
part 4 at home 居家生活
 unit one renting house 在外租房
 unit two buy a new house 买新房
 unit three decoration 房屋装修
 unit four garden style 风情花园
 unit five appliances in the kitchen 厨房用具
 unit six housing layout 房间布置
 unit seven east or west, home is best 安居乐业
 unit eight move guests 乔迁请客
part 5 chatting 漫话家常
 unit one ask the information 询问信息
 unit two love 谈情说爱
 unit three hobbies 业余爱好
 unit four colorful festivals 精彩节日
 unit five between colleagues 同事之间
 unit six talking about family 谈论家族
 unit seven telephone english 电话花絮
 unit eight aging society 老龄化社会
part 6 holiday travel 假日出游
 unit one ask about the agency 询问旅行社
 unit two transport 乘坐交通工具
 unit three customs clearance 海关检查
 unit four hotel reservation 酒店订房
 unit five enjoying food 享受美食
 unit six domestic travel 国内之旅
 unit seven travel abroad 国外之旅
 unit eight road trip 自驾出游
part 7 new generation 新新人类
 unit one private cars 有车一族
 unit two body firming 美体瘦身
 unit three facial care 护肤养肤
 unit four surfing .on the intemet 网上冲浪
 unit five feelings of fashion 感受时尚
 unit six movie wave 影视浪潮
 unit seven calligraphy and shadowboxing 练字和太极
 unit eight local snacks 风味小吃
part 8 police topics 警务话题
 unit one warnings and reminders 警告与提醒
 unit two road traffic 交通管理
 unit three environmental threats 环境威胁
 unit four violations 违法事件
 unit five laws 法律
 unit six protection of property rights 产权保护
 unit seven fake medicine 假药
 unit eight crime and pyramid selling 犯罪与传销




Conversation 1A:People are more concerned about their life span today than ever.B:Yes. A:What helps live a longer life?B:Manyfactors affectthelife span。A:Can you give some detmled examples?B:The environment,eating habits,exercising,and medical care.These factors all have somethingtodowith alonglife.A:Andtoday,manypeopleassumetheyhave ageneticgiftforalongerlife.B:Yes,thatmaymake sense,too.,A:Actually,even the scientific view ofwhat determines a life span has swung back and fonll.B:But,in my opinion,mental attitude is the most important.A:Yes,working and keeping optimistic Can help prolong our life.B:I concluded this from my grandmother’S experience.A:现在的人们越来越关心他们的寿命。 B:是呀。A:你认为什么能帮助一个人长寿?B:影响人寿命的因素有很多。A:能给出一些具体例子吗? B:环境、饮食习惯、运动和医疗保障。这些都和长寿有关。A:现在还有许多人相信他们有长寿的基因。B:那也有可能。A:事实上,关于决定寿命长短的因素在科学上也是没有定论的。B:不过在我看来,心态是*重要的因素。A:是呀,工作并保持乐观能使我们长寿。B:我从我外婆的身上得出的结论。 Conversation 2A:Your grandpa is over his 76 and still looks SO energetic.B:He does。doesn’the? A:What’S his secret?B:You know he has been sticking to taking a walk for 40 minutes 3.times a day after meals.A:Oh。I see.B:What’S more,he always keeps a light heart.He says“A light heart lives long”.A:Oh,heis right.B:Takingawalkforhundred steps aftermealsmakesyoulives aslongasninety.nineyears.A:Interesting!B:Habits like no smoking,putting family first,being active everyday are good to your healtll.A:Besides,we shouldke印sociallyengaged,andeatfruits,vegetables,andwholegrains…B:Exactly. A:你爷爷已经76岁高龄了但看上去还是那么精神焕发。B:你说得没错,他精力可充沛了。 A:他的秘诀是什么呢?B:你知

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