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1星价 ¥35.7 (8.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787301169513
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:303
  • 出版时间:2010-03-01
  • 条形码:9787301169513 ; 978-7-301-16951-3






unit 1 civilization and history
 part i the making of a nation
 part ii ancient civilizations
 part iii the history of triathlon
 part iv news
 part v commentary: 200m dash (usain bolt)
 part vi listen and relax: a valentine' s day story
unit 2 peace and conflict
 part i start early for peace in the middle east
 part ii peace and conflict at the borders
 part iii an embrace in a time of war
 part iv news
 part v commentary: swimming
 part vi listen and relax: interview with god
unit 3 prizes and awards
 part i history of the pulitzer prizes
 part ii movie awards
 part iii the pierre de coubertin medal--how the spirit of the olympics is maintained
 part iv news
 part v commentary: diving
 part vi listen and relax: words from the heart
unit 4 universities
 part i university life
 part ii the ivy league
 part iii the history of oxford and cambridge
 part iv news
 part v commentary: women's gymnastics
 part vi listen and relax: growing up or growing old
unit 5 in a lifetime
 part i the major stages of life
 part ii aging gracefully
 part iii sports life of adidas
 part iv news
 part v commentary: vault (men' s gymnastics)
 part vi listen and relax: he never missed a game
unit 6 nutrition
 part i test your nutrition iq
 part ii sports and nutrition: the winning connection
 part iii how to choose a nutrition bar
 part iv news
 part v commentary: the dream team
 part vi listen and relax: my father' s lessons
unit 7 success and failure
 part i understanding success and failure
 part ii success and failure in sports
 part iii change and success
 part iv news
 part v commentary: figure skating (pairs)
 part vi listen and relax: three days to see
unit 8 aesthetics
 part 1 the beauty that sports cars possess
 part ii aesthetics as a pillar of industrial design
 part iii aimee mullins: redefining sport and beauty
 part iv news
 part v commentary: volleyball--brazilian men' s gold
 part vi listen and relax: companionship of books
unit 9 humor
 part i humor and black humor
 part ii humorous stories
 part iii humor and gender
 part iv news
 part v commentary: snowboard half-pipe
 part vi listen and relax: ambition
unit 10 medicine
 part i body talk--a call-in show
 part ii sports doping
 part iii medical breakthroughs
 part iv news
 part v commentary: equestrianism
 part vi listen and relax: the 50-percent theory of life
unit 11 communication
 part i modem network of communication
 part ii communication skills
 part iii coach-athlete communication
 part 1v news
 part v commentary: kayak (k1 slalom)
 part vi listen and relax: facing the enemies within
unit 12 nurturing
 part i a balance between nature and nurture
 part ii punish or spoil?
 part iii home schooling
 part iv news
 part v commentary: cycling
 part vi listen and relax: mirror, mirror--what do i see?




插图:The Board typically exercised its broad discretion in 1997, the 150th anniversary ofPulitzer's birth, in two fundamental respects. It took a significant step in the recognition ofthe growing importance of work being done by newspapers in online journalism. Beginningwith the 1999 competition, the Board sanctioned the submission by newspapers of onlinepresentations as supplements to print exhibits in the Public Service category. The Board leftopen the distinct possibility of further inclusions in the Pulitzer process of online journalismas the electronic medium developed. Thus, with the 2006 competition, the Board allowedonline content in all 14 of its journalism categories and said it will continue to monitor thefield. The other major change was in music, a category that was added to the Plan of Awardfor prizes in 1943. The prize always had gone to composers of classical music. The definitionand entry requirements of the music category beginning with the 1998 competition werebroadened to attract a wider range of American music. In an indication of the trend towardbringing mainstream music into the Pulitzer process, the 1997 prize went to WyntonMarsalis's “Blood on the Fields,” which has strong jazz elements, the first such award. Inmusic, the board also took tacit note of the criticism leveled at its predecessors for failure tocite two of the country's foremost jazz composers. It bestowed a Special Citation on GeorgeGershwin marking the 1998 centennial celebration of his birth and Duke Ellington on his1999 centennial year. In 2004, the Board further broadened the definition of the prize and themakeup of its music juries, resulting in a greater diversity of entries. In 2007, the music prizewent to Ornette Coleman for “Sound Grammar,” the first live jazz recording to win theaward. The Board also awarded posthumous Speci

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