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  • ISBN:9787801657275
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:329
  • 出版时间:2010-05-01
  • 条形码:9787801657275 ; 978-7-80165-727-5




part i writing basics
 unit 1 writing effectively——an introduction to business correspondence forinternational trade
 unit 2 elements of a letter
part ⅱ business negotiation
 unit 3 starting business
 unit 4 enqiuiries, quotations and offers
 unit 5 credit and status enquiries
 unit 6 sales promotion
 unit 7 orders and acknowledgements
part ⅲ execution
 unit 8 payment
 unit 9 urging the establishment of and amendment to l/c
 unit 10 packing and marking
 unit 11 shipment
 unit 12 marine insurance
 unit 13 agency
 unit 14 complaints, disputes, claims and their settlements
part iv related documents
 unit 15 some usual documents used in the import and export business
 unit 16 common documents used in the business of freight forwarding service
 appendix i the standard two-letter abbreviations for states of the u. s. a.
 appendix ii the standard two-letter abbreviations for provinces in canada
 appendix iii commonly used abbreviations in address




插图:When you write a letter, you will have to consider how to write effectively. A persuasiveletter of sales promotion will certainly help increase business opportunity for your company whilean ambiguous letter of acceptance is but a waste of timet. To make your writing effective,you may follow some generally accepted principles. They can be summed up as six Cs, namely"Clearness", "Comprehensiveness", "Conciseness", "Correctness", "Consideratin" and"Courtesy”.Clearness is the most important characteristic of good business writing. It means conveyingyour message to the recipient without being misunderstood. Ambiguity, vagueness, clichrst~7and so forth are likely to make it difficult for people to understand what you want to express. Thewordy jargon "at this point in time" is certainly more difficult to understand than the simpleword "now" and the word "because" is a more direct word than the old expression "inasmuchas". It is always necessary to write in direct, plain and simple language.Comprehensiveness requires complete information the readers will need. Be sure to includeall the necessary information so as to avoid the trouble of busy exchange of correspondencewhich sometimes results in the loss of time and, what is worse, loss of opportunity. It isunderstandable that a company cannot make a correct decision based on incomplete information.Conciseness helps a lot to make business letters clear and effective. One simple way toshorten a document is to get rid of the unnecessary long words and phrases. Instead of writing,"A product with reasonable price and good quality will be more than we comed at this market ofours (18 words)", just say, "A reasonably-priced good-quality product will sell fast at ourmarket ( 10 words) ". When writing "He made the statement that he agreed that a price cut wasnecessary (13 words) ", just ask yourself if it would be better to say "He agreed that a price cutwas necessary (8 words)". Please remember, in business letter writing, it is a wrong idea thatlong documents are better than short ones. Most readers, just like you, prefer short ones as theyare busy dealing with a pile of business letters daily.Correctness means observingtthe rules of spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage and soforth. If you write "While breaking into the computer' s memory, the investigators captured thehackers", the readers will be confused by the question: who broke into the computer' smemory, the investigators or the hackers?If your document is full of careless writing errors,your readers will get impatient to read it and doubt the accuracy of your information or even theauthenticity of your writing.

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