STEP BY STEP听懂CNN新闻关键用语-含MP3光盘1张

包邮STEP BY STEP听懂CNN新闻关键用语-含MP3光盘1张

1星价 ¥28.0 (6.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787030287731
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:198
  • 出版时间:2010-09-01
  • 条形码:9787030287731 ; 978-7-03-028773-1


《Step By Step听懂CNN新闻关键用语》节选近年CNN商业、政治、娱乐、科技、体育、生活等领域各大要闻片段,精选194个词汇,分为典故、比喻、惯用语、双关语四大类型,实例解说。


本书包含了英语中的“典故”、“比喻”、“惯用语”、“双关语”等在各种情境中的实际使用,每一类都蕴含着文化特殊性(cuitural specificity),而其中还有很多是因场合而产生(contextuaily motivated)的,这些具有文化特殊性、因场合而产生的英语关键用语,对于词汇、语法方面都学习到一定程度的资深学习者来说,也具有相当的难度。


序惯用语01. a cutting edge 7602. a flop 7703. a melting pot 7804. at one’s fingertips 7905. at the helm 8006. be riddled with 8107. bells and whistles 8208. big guns 8309. blow one’s stack 8410. boil down to 8511. bounce back 8612. break ground 8713. breathe down one’s neck 8814. cash cows 8915. come with a high price tag 9016. comfort food 9117. deep-pocketed 9218. go behind the camera 9319. groan under the weight of 9420. have one’s work cut out 9521. head-to-head 9622. hold water 9723. in one piece 9824. miss the mark 9925. money in the bank 10026. music to (someone’s) ears 10127. no-frills 10228. off the hook 10329. on the drawing board 10430. pale next to 10531. pop out (from/of) 10632. rake in 10733. ruffle (someone’s) feathers 10834. shove down someone’s throat 10935. sink one’s teeth into 11036. smoking gun 11137. spit someone out 11238. spread oneself too thin/thinly 11339. stand by 11440. surf the net 11541. take by storm 11642. teacher’s pet 11743. turn one’s back on 11844. be dressed to kill 11945. fork out 12046. mentally challenged 12147. throw up 12248. tip 12349. win critical acclaim 124双关语01. a crash course 12602. a double eyelid 12703. a high note 12804. a highflier 12905. a lemon 13006. a rough ride 13107. a wanted man 13208. a woman’s place 13309. absorb 13410. band Aid 13511. bangs for one’s buck 13612. be burned in every sense 13713. be stuck on 13814. bruise 13915. bullish 14016. chug along 14117. clean out 14218. C-Leg 14319. Decaf Web, anyone? 14420. do the dirty work 14521. don’t hold one’s breath 14622. double vision 14723. duke it out 14824. economic recovery 14925. fair game 15026. fish and chips 15127. food for thought 15228. for a rainy day 15329. from the same page 15430. get lost in the shuffle 15531. get one’s wings 15632. go to the dogs 15733. good grief! 15834. head-turning 15935. heavy petting 16036. hit below the belt 16137. hook 16238. hot stuff 16339. It doesn’t pay to be a potty mouth. 16440. it’s got sole 16541. jaw dropping 16642. kick the habit 16743. light one’s fire 16844. make the cut 16945. nose around 17046. off the ground 17147. on the hit list 17248. one too many 17349. party animal 17450. push someone’s buttons 17551. re-possessed 17652. ride on 17753. roll out the final mile 17854. run rings around 17955. say no to crack 18056. shaken, not stirred 18157. shatter one’s stone-cold determination 18258. shift gears 18359. small world 18460. speak a language of one’s own 18561. stand tall 18662. take a shot at 18763. talk about having a fling at a hotel 18864. Technofile 18965. things are looking up 19066. tip of the iceberg 19167. toss one’s cookies 19268. towering strength 19369. turn heads 19470. two-dimensional 19571. virtually 19672. wash up 19773. white powder 199


《Step By Step听懂CNN新闻关键用语》用实例进行解说,并配有原声MP3光盘。《Step By Step听懂CNN新闻关键用语》综合了听、说、读、写、译五种技能,从地道的相关新闻报道中,一边熟悉热门句型的关键词句,一边吸收背景知识,然后观看及时新闻,事半功倍,让读者沉浸在地道英语中,自主学习有趣而实用的英语。


互动英语教学集团(LiveABC)为大中华区重要互动英语教学服务供应商,成立于公元2000年,总部设于台湾台北。LiveABC 以发展交互式英语多媒体教学产品为主,并持续研发及引入优良英语教学内容。LiveABC 集团成立后,陆续推出整合因特网、多媒体互动教学光盘,以及平面出版(杂志、书籍)的系列互动英语教学产品,帮助大中华区英语学习者,以更有效率的方式,迅速达到英语学习的目的。自成立以来,LiveABC业已获得海内外教育界、信息产业界的诸多奖项,成为科技促教的知名品牌。

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