  • ISBN:9787508517292
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大32开
  • 页数:244
  • 出版时间:2010-01-01
  • 条形码:9787508517292 ; 978-7-5085-1729-2


the historical i4-year quest of the 7th century chinese monk, xuanzang, to obtain buddhist sutras travelling through xinjiang, afghanistan, pakistan and india.
yun-chong pans retelling of the story, originally crafted by the ming dynasty story-teller, wu chengen, will captivate children with its fantasy, and delight young and old with its layers of reality and satire grounded in chinese, indian, greek, and old testament mythology.


part 1
chapter 1: the birth of the magic monkey
chapter 2: the stone monkey becomes king
chapter 3: monkey king is struck by the notion of mortality
chapter 4: the monkey king seeks immortality .
chapter 5: sun wukong learns immortality
chapter 6: sun wukong reestablishes his kingdom
chapter 7: sun wukong's kingdom thrives
chapter 8: sun wukong acquires the weapon of his choice
chapter 9: sun wukong raids the underworld
chapter 10: sun wukong gets a job in heaven
chapter 11" sun gets his title of heavenly grand fairy
chapter 12" sun steals the heavenly peach and longevity pills
chapter 13: heavenly army attacks sun
chapter 14: the buddha vanquishes sun wukong

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