  • ISBN:9787512407527
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:312
  • 出版时间:2012-06-01
  • 条形码:9787512407527 ; 978-7-5124-0752-7


     this book consists of elevenchapters. chapter 1 introduces basic concepts of guided missile. chapter 2 presents thefundamental concepts of vehicle dynamics. the forces and moments acting on the vehicle arealso presented. chapter 3 discusses vehicle dynamical equations and kinematic equations.based on small-disturbance theory, chapter 4 discusses vehicle longitudinal state equationsand transfer functions. chapter 5 deals with lateral state equations and transfer functions.chapter 6 presents fundamental principle of missile guidance and control system. chapter 7focuses on guidance laws. autopilot design is discussed in chapter 8. chapter 9 is devoted tocommand guidance systems. chapter 10 focuses on homing guidance system. chapter 11 summarizes guidance and control system hardware-in-the-loop simulation.


     the intent of this book is to present guidance and control principle of tactical missiles. it includes basicconcepts of guided missile, fundamental concepts of vehicle dynamics, dynamical equatio and kinematicequatio of vehicle, longitudinal state equation and trafer functio, lateral state equation and traferfunctio, fundamental principle of missile guidance and control system, guidance laws, autopilot design,command guidance systems, homing guidance systems, and guidance and control system hardware-in-the-loopsimulation. this book is suitable for international postgraduate and advanced undergraduates majoring in navigation,guidance and control, and also suitable for engineering and technical peonnel engaged in the design anddevelopment of guided missiles.


chapter 1 introduction to missile guidance chapter 2 basic knowledge of flight dynamics chapter 3 equatio of motion for vehicle chapter 4 longitudinal motion chapter 5 lateral motion chapter 6 flight control of missile chapter 7 guidance laws chapter 8 autopilot design chapter 9 command guidance systems chapter 10 homing guidance systems chapter 11 hardware-in-the-loop simulation of guidance and control system

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