

1星价 ¥20.4 (7.3折)
2星价¥20.4 定价¥28.0
  • ISBN:9787564136154
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:175
  • 出版时间:2012-07-01
  • 条形码:9787564136154 ; 978-7-5641-3615-4


张建宁主编的《新编大学英语基础听力进阶(2)》为听力教材的第二册用书。本册共9个单元。每个单元均由四个部分组成:**部分为关键词听力技能训练;第二部分听力任务技能训练,每一个单元围绕着一个中心话题展开,其中同时涵盖了与主题相关的语言信息。第三部分1~5单元为与英语应用能力考试(A级)真题难度和形式一致的模拟题,6~9单元难度和题量有所增加,便于学生进行自我测试;第四部分是专为提高学生对英语的兴趣安排的幽默小故事或短文。本册教材略高于大学英语3级水平。 本教材可作为课本在课堂教学中使用,或作为学生的课外自学材料。同时,本教材融知识性,趣味性于一体,也为大学校园广播和外语学生自主学习平台提供了语言规范、题材广泛、短小精悍的英语听力材料。




Unit 1 A Good Beginning is Half Done Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Numbe Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: A Good Beginning is Half Done Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Advice for "Kid"Unit 2 Have a Nice Day! Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Numbe Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Have a Nice Day! Part Ⅲ Tesf Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Height, Not LengthUnit 3 East, West, Home is the Best Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Locatio Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: East, West, Home is the Best Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Heaven and HellUnit 4 Be at Home Anywhere Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for House Renting Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Be at Home Anywhere Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: They are Very Well BehavedUnit5 Dining Out (Ⅰ) Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Time Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Dining Out (Ⅰ) Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun. Want a Day offUnit 6 Dining Out (Ⅱ) Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Time Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Dining Out (Ⅱ) Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Your Hoe CalledUnit7 Ups and Dow (I) Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Main Ideas Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Ups and Dow (Ⅰ) Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: I Pay That Man to ThinkUnit 8 Ups and Dow (Ⅱ) Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Main Ideas Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Ups and Dow(Ⅰ) Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: Message from GodUnit 9 Would You Like To Go Out With Me? Part Ⅰ Practicing Skills: Listening for Key Words Part Ⅱ Listening Tasks: Watching a Film Part Ⅲ Test Youelf Part Ⅳ Listening for Fun: As Small As AntsReference

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