  • ISBN:9787501348046
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:435
  • 出版时间:2012-07-01
  • 条形码:9787501348046 ; 978-7-5013-4804-6


Kate Williams等编著的《社群信息学——理论与研究》分别探讨了社群研究的网络分析法,社会资本、社会资本与网络力量,信息城市,与地理空间对应的流空间,集体智能,非裔美国人社区的社会网络力量和社会资本、公共计算设施的人口调查,信息学时刻,数字公平、不同地区的社区信息化、数字鸿沟、中美两国社群的数字不平等现象、城市中的网吧、中国互联网的历史等。




part l:theory
1 networks,neighborhoods and communities:approaches to the study ofthe community question(1979)by barry wellman and barryleighton
2 building a network theory of social capital(1999)by nanlin(林南)
3 the informational city is a dual city:can it be reversed?(1999)bymanuel castells
4 grassrooting the space of flows(1999)by manuel castells
5 what is collective intelligence?(1997)by pierre levy
6 数字公平的含义、测度和实现途径研究(2011)赖茂生
7 创建有中国特色的信息社会——2011北京大学”社群信息学”暑期学校通讯阿卜杜·阿尔卡利麦特凯特·威廉姆斯 闫慧韩圣龙

8 community informatics(2009)by kate williams and joan c.durrance118
9 social capital and cyberpower in the african american community:a case study of a community technology center in the dualcity(2001) by abdul alkalimat and kate williams
10 social cyberpower in the everyday life of an african americancommunity:a report on action—research in toled0,ohio(2004) by abdulalkalimat
11 a census of public computing in toledo,ohio(2004)by katewilliams and abdul alkalimat
12 informatics moments:digital literacy and social capital in civilsociety and people's everyday lives(2012)by kate williams
13 community informatics in lao shao bian qiong areas: informaticsof happiness:thoughts on ict applications in china's backward ruralareas(2011)by chen jianlong(陈建龙)
14 toward global measurement of the information society:a us—chinacomparison of national government surveys by kate williams and yanhui
15 statistical report on internet development in china(january2012) by the china internet network information center(cnnic)
16 中国互联网的发展历程(2012) 韩圣龙 杨学婧
17中国新兴公益组织对信息社会和公益信息制度的前景预测—— 一项针四个公益组织的民族志未来研究(2009) 闫 慧
118 what role can commercial sites play as public computing venuesin china?a case study of starbucks coffeehouses(2012)by wangsufang(王素芳),he yingfang(何颖芳),li ping(李萍)and zhangyuanrui(张原瑞)
19 the divided views of the information and digital divides: a callfor integrative theories of information inequality(2011) byyuliangzhi(于良芝)
about the contributors

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