

1星价 ¥40.0 (7.7折)
2星价¥40.0 定价¥52.0
  • ISBN:9787301216613
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:287
  • 出版时间:2020-12-12
  • 条形码:9787301216613 ; 978-7-301-21661-3


  本书通过讨论光电传感器的相关概念,涵盖了这一快速发展的领域的方方面面。本书呈现了基于有机发光二极管、有机薄膜晶体管和片上系统架构的新型传感器, 并指出了增强其特异性的技术,探讨了传感器的响应模型。本书适合凝聚态物理、化学、材料科学和通信工程等方向的研究者和研究生阅读。




1 Water Soluble Poly(fluorene) Homopolymers and Copolymers for Chemical and Biological Sensors 1.1 Introduction1.2 General Structures and Properties1.2.1 Design, Synthesis, and Structural Properties1.2.2 Optical Properties1.3 Signal IYansduction Mechanisms in Sensors1.4 Chemo- and Biosensor Applications1.4.1 DNA Sensors1.4.2 RNA Sensors1.4.3 Protein Detection1.4.4 Glucose Sensors1.4.5 Detection of Other Small Molecules1.5 Heterogeneous Platforms1.6 Summary and OutlookReferences2 Polyelectrolyte-Based Fluorescent Sensors2.1 Generallntroduction2.1.1 Amplified Fluorescence Quenching2.1.2 General Sensor Schemes: Bioassays Based on Quenchl Unquench2.2 Enzyme Activity Assays2.2.1 Assay Formats and Types2.2.2 Proteolytic Enzyme Assays Using Conjugated Polyelectrolytes2.2.3 Phospholipase Assays Using Conjugated Polyelectrolytes2.2.4 Assays Based on \"Frustrated Super-Quenching\"2.2.5Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Scaffold Disruption/Destruction Assays2.2.6 Cyanines and Supra-Molecular Self-Assembly2.2.7 Cyanine Chemistry2.2.8 Glycosidases and Scaffold Disruption/Destruction Assay2.3 Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Surface-Grafted Colloids2.4 Summary and Conclusions. References3 Structurally Integrated Photolununescent Chemical and Biological Sensors: An Organic Light-Emitting Diode-Based Platform3.1 Introduction3.1.1 Photoluminescence-Based Sensors3.1.2 Structurally Integrated OLED/Sensing Component Modules3.1.3 Structural Integration of the OLED Array/Sensing Film3.2 Single Analyte Monitoring3.2.1 Gas-Phase and Dissolved Oxygen3.2.2 Enhanced Photoluminescence of Oxygen-Sensing Films Through Doping with Titania Particles [70]3.2.3 Glucose3.2.4 Hydrazine (N2H4)3.2.5 Anthrax Lethal Factor (LF) . 3.3 Advanced Sensor Arrays3.3.1 OLED-Based Multiple Analyte Sensing Platform3.3.2 Extended Structural Integration: OLED/Sensing ComponentlPhotodetector Integration3.4 Future Directions. 3.4.llmproved OLEDs3.4.2 Sensor Microarrays3.4.3 Autonomous Field-Deployable Sensors for Biological Agents3.5 Summary and Concluding RemarksReferences4 Lab-on-a-Chip Devices with Organic Semiconductor-Based Optical Detection4.1.1 Microfluidics and Lab~on-a-Chip4.1.2 Detection Problem at the Microscale4.2 Fabrication4.2.1 Microfiuidic Systems…… 5 Solid-State Chemosensitive Organic Devices for Vapor-Phase Detection6 Detection of Chemical and Physical Parameters by Means of Organic Field-Effect lYansistors7 Performance Requirements and Mechanistic Analysis of Organic Transistor_Based Phosphonate Gas Sensors8 Electrochemical Transistors for Applications in Chemical and Biological Sensing9 PEDOT:PSS-Based Electrochemical IYansistors for Ion-to-Electron rlyansduction and Sensor Signal AmplificationIndex

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