

1星价 ¥21.3 (8.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787301228296
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:98
  • 出版时间:2013-07-01
  • 条形码:9787301228296 ; 978-7-301-22829-6




  本套教材分为《学术英语听说教程》与《学术英语读写教程》,前者主要培养学术听说技能,后者主要培养学术英语读写技能,两本教材选取文化、教育、自然科学、人文历史等领域的系列主题,配以相关的阅读和听力材料,帮助和鼓励学生搜集更多相关信息,经过对信息的深度思考和合理评价,形成自己的观点,并清晰地表达自己的观点。 听说教程以音频和视频材料为依托,培养学术英语听说技能;读写教程以文本和网络文献为依托,培养学术英语读写技能。


unit one the x factor for success
 part i significance of pre-listeningwork
 reading text 1john dewey: a philosopher and democratic educationist
 reading text 2 when lei feng meets non-believers
 part ii effective pre-listening strategies
 part iii micro-skills: communicating orally in academic situations
 part iv recycling
unit two justice
 part i significance of identifying key ideas
 reading text i gay marriage "unnatural"
 reading text 2 equal treatment is real issue-not marriage
 part ii distinguishing the main idea fromthe detail
 part iii micro-skills: word families
 part w recycling
unit three how it's made unit one the x factor for success  part i significance of pre-listeningwork  reading text 1john dewey: a philosopher and democratic educationist  reading text 2 when lei feng meets non-believers  part ii effective pre-listening strategies  part iii micro-skills: communicating orally in academic situations  part iv recycling unit two justice  part i significance of identifying key ideas  reading text i gay marriage "unnatural"  reading text 2 equal treatment is real issue-not marriage  part ii distinguishing the main idea fromthe detail  part iii micro-skills: word families  part w recycling unit three how it's made  part i about taking notes in lectures  reading text technological advances: discovery, invention, innovation, diffusion  part ii notes on a process  part iii micro-skills: understanding sentence stress  part iv recycling unit four health and fitness  part i listen actively  live-expectancy quizhow long will you live  part ii digression  part iii micro-skills: general academic words in lectures  part iv recycling unit five globalization  part i introduction of new terminologies  reading text globalization: don ' t worry, be happy  part ii recognizing signals of definition  part iii micro-skills: weak forms of function words  part iv recycling unit six let's put birth control back on the agenda  part i what lecturers do in lectures?  reading text birth control for men? for real this time?  part ii structure analysis of a lecture  part iii micro-skills: common expressions in lectures  part iv recycling





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