

1星价 ¥103.5 (7.5折)
2星价¥103.5 定价¥138.0
  • ISBN:9787508525655
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:446
  • 出版时间:2013-10-01
  • 条形码:9787508525655 ; 978-7-5085-2565-5




  this is a book focuse on the historical and current affairs concerning stability and development in xinjiang. it has been written with the purpose of respecting history, clarifying the truth, and basing on the reality.


Introduction One-sixth of China, the Biggest Province I.Topography of\"Two Basins Flanked by Three Mountains II.Rich Natural Resources III.Ethnic Composition and Population IV.Administrative Divisions V.Boundary and Neighbors Chapter One Historical Development of the Multi-Ethnic Region I.Primitive Population Migration and Cultural Exchanges II.Western Regions and the Northern Regimes as well as the Central Plains Kingdoms III.Western Regions and the Ouigour People as well as the Orkhon Ouigour Khanate IV.Western Regions and the Mongol People as well as the Mongol Khanates Chapter Two Heritage and Co-habitation of Diversified Cultures I.Parallel.Development of Multiple Languages II.Parallel Presence of Multiple Religions III.Literary and Artistic Achievements Chapter Three Xinjiang under Provincial System I.Unification under the Reign of Qing Dynasty II.Domestic and Foreign Menace III.Provincial System IV.Warlord Rule V.Chinese Communists' Activities in Xinjiang Chapter Four Origin and Evolution of\"EastTurkistan Separatism I.Ideas of\"Pan-Islamism\" and \"Pan-Turkism\" II.Splittist Regime of\"East Turkistan Islamic Republic HI.Splittist Regime of\"East Turkistan Republic Chapter Five Revolutionary Movement in the Three Regions and Peaceful Liberation of Xinjiang I.Initial Stage of the q-hree-Region Revolutionary Movement II.Secondary Revolution of the ~lhree-Region Revolutionary Movement III.Peaceful Liberation of Xinjiang Chapter Six Regional Ethnic Autonomy I.China's Regional Ethnic Autonomy II.Establishment of Multiple Types of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Xinjiang III.Distribution of Ethnic Groups in Contemporary Xinjiang IV.All Ethnic Groups Mastering Their Own Destiny V.Equal Development and Common Prosperity for All Ethnic Groups VI.Respect for and Protection of Freedom of Religious Belief VII.Coordinated Development of Ethnic Relations Chapter Seven Modernization of Regional Economy I.Gradual Industrialization II.Transition from Closed Oasis Agriculture to Intensive Farming III.Transition from Nomadic Economy to Modem Animal Husbandry IV.Opening-up in Regional Economy V.Urbanization and Social Modernization of Xinjiang VI.Remarkable Improvement in People's Livelihood Chapter Eight Leap Forward Development of Economy in Xinjiang with State Support I.Symposium on Work in Xinjiang Called by CPC Central Committee in 2010 II.Assistance to Xinjiang in Oriented Areas by the Whole Country III.Expansion of Lanzhou-Xinjiang Railway and Tapping of Oil and Gas Resources IV.Poverty Relief and Development Strategy V.New Chapter of Opening to the Outside World Chapter Nine Ethnic Culture Preservation and Inheritance I.Initiatives of Governments at All Levels for Preserving Xinjiang's Ethnic Cultures II.Various Ethnic Groups Use \"l-heir Own Spoken and Written Languages Equally III.Preservation and Development of Ethnic and Folk Arts IV.Editing and Preservation of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minorities V.Conservation of Historical Sites VI.Intangible Cultural Heritage Rescue and Preservation Chapter Ten Ecological and Environmental Protection I.Main Ecological Projects II.Establishing a Number of Nature Reserves III.Measures Taken During Petroleum and Natural Gas Resource Development to Protect the Ecological Environment Bibliography Postscript

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