

1星价 ¥22.3 (7.5折)
2星价¥22.3 定价¥29.6
  • ISBN:9787560557533
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2013-10-01
  • 条形码:9787560557533 ; 978-7-5605-5753-3




《工程管理专业英语(第2版)/普通高等教育“十二五”工程管理类专业系列规划教材》素材取自国外近年来工程管理各个领域的经典教材、著作、论文及计算机网络信息,内容涉及工程管理各领域当前的状况和*新进展。《工程管理专业英语(第2版)/普通高等教育“十二五”工程管理类专业系列规划教材》内容新颖、覆盖面广、系统性强、可读性好,是学习工程管理专业英语的实用教材。   《工程管理专业英语(第2版)/普通高等教育“十二五”工程管理类专业系列规划教材》既可作为高等院校的工程管理、造价管理及相关专业的教材,也可作为成人教育、网络教育的相关专业教材,还可作为工程管理专业人士及其他有兴趣人员的学习参考读物。


chapter 1 the owner's perspective
 the project life cycle
 major types of construction
 selection of professional services
 study and practices
chapter 2 organizing for project management
 what is project management
 professional construction management
 leadership and motivation for the project team
 perceptions of owners and contractors
 study and practices
chapter 3 labor material and equipment utilization
 factors affecting job-site productivity
 material procurement and delivery
 gonstruction equipment
 study and practices
chapter 4 economic evaluation of facility investments
 basic concepts of economic evaluation
 investment profit measures
 methods of economic evaluation
 study and practices
chapter 5 bidding and tendering of construction projects
 bidding procedure of construction projects
 how to bid on projects in competitive bidding
 study and practices
chapter 6 contract management of construction projects
 types of agreements
 the parties of contract
 changesin contract
 study and practices
chapter 7 legal basis of international projects
 introduction of international conditions of contract
 bonds andlnsurance
 claimsand disputes
 study and practices
chapter 8 construction planning
 basic goncepts in the development of construction plans
 defining work tasks
 defining precedence relationships among activities
 study and practices
chapter 9 time control for construction projects
 the critical path method
 activity float and schedules
 presenting project schedules
 scheduling with uncertain durations
 study and practices
chapter 10 cost control for construction projects
 strategy of cost control
 schedule and budget updates
 relating cost and schedule information
 study and practices
chapter 11 quality control and safety during construction
 quality and safety concerns in construction
 total quality control
 quality control by statistical methods
 study and practices
chapter 12 model interoperability in building information modeling (bim)
 introduction about bim
 industry foundation classes (ifc)
 bim interoperability
 study and practices
appendix 1 glossary
appendix 2 translation for specialty english n
appendix 3 introduction for technical english writing
appendix 4 project management world wide web sites

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