- ISBN:9787811296792
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:342
- 出版时间:2013-12-01
- 条形码:9787811296792 ; 978-7-81129-679-2
chapter l colonial and revolutionary period
lecture l benjamin franklin and the autobiography
chapter 2 age of romanticism
lecture 2 washington irving and the sketch book
lecture 3 nathanial hawthorne and the scarlet letter
lecture 4 walt whitman and leaves of grass
lecture 5 edgar allen poe and the raven
chapter 3 age of transcendentalism
lecture 6 ralph waldo emerson and nature
chapter 4 age of realism
lecture 7 local colorism and mark twain
chapter 5 age of naturalism
lecture 8 theodore dreiser and sister carrie
chapter 6 modern poetry
lecture 9 imagism and ezra pound
lecture lo t.s.eliot and the waste land
chapter 7 modern novels
lecture ll jazz age and f.scott fitzgerald
lecture l2 lost generation and ernest hemingway
lecture l3 southern renaissance and william faulkner
lecture l4 depression writers and john steinbeck
chapter 8 modern dramas
lecture l 5 eugene gladstone o'neill and long days journey into the night
lecture l6 arthur miller and the death of a salesman
lecture l7 tennessee williams and a streetcar named desire
chapter 9 contemporary novels
lecture l8 beat generation and jack kerouac
lecture l9 j.d.salinger and the catcher in the rye
lecture 2o black humor and joseph heller
lecture 2 1 kurt vonnegut and slaughterhouse—five
lecture 22 ken kesey and one flew over the cuckoos nest
lecture 23 donald barthelme and meta—fiction
chapter lo contemporary dramas
lecture 24 theatre of absurd and edward albee
chapter ll contemporary poetry
lecture 25 confessional school and sylvia plath
chapter l2 jewish american writers
lecture 26 saul bellow and herzo9
chapter l3 african american literature
lecture 27 ralph ellison and invisible man
lecture 28 toni morrison and beloved
chapter l4 chinese american literature
lecture 29 maxine hong kingston and the woman warrior
lecture 3o amy tan and the joy luck club
appendix glossary of literary terms
lecture l benjamin franklin and the autobiography
chapter 2 age of romanticism
lecture 2 washington irving and the sketch book
lecture 3 nathanial hawthorne and the scarlet letter
lecture 4 walt whitman and leaves of grass
lecture 5 edgar allen poe and the raven
chapter 3 age of transcendentalism
lecture 6 ralph waldo emerson and nature
chapter 4 age of realism
lecture 7 local colorism and mark twain
chapter 5 age of naturalism
lecture 8 theodore dreiser and sister carrie
chapter 6 modern poetry
lecture 9 imagism and ezra pound
lecture lo t.s.eliot and the waste land
chapter 7 modern novels
lecture ll jazz age and f.scott fitzgerald
lecture l2 lost generation and ernest hemingway
lecture l3 southern renaissance and william faulkner
lecture l4 depression writers and john steinbeck
chapter 8 modern dramas
lecture l 5 eugene gladstone o'neill and long days journey into the night
lecture l6 arthur miller and the death of a salesman
lecture l7 tennessee williams and a streetcar named desire
chapter 9 contemporary novels
lecture l8 beat generation and jack kerouac
lecture l9 j.d.salinger and the catcher in the rye
lecture 2o black humor and joseph heller
lecture 2 1 kurt vonnegut and slaughterhouse—five
lecture 22 ken kesey and one flew over the cuckoos nest
lecture 23 donald barthelme and meta—fiction
chapter lo contemporary dramas
lecture 24 theatre of absurd and edward albee
chapter ll contemporary poetry
lecture 25 confessional school and sylvia plath
chapter l2 jewish american writers
lecture 26 saul bellow and herzo9
chapter l3 african american literature
lecture 27 ralph ellison and invisible man
lecture 28 toni morrison and beloved
chapter l4 chinese american literature
lecture 29 maxine hong kingston and the woman warrior
lecture 3o amy tan and the joy luck club
appendix glossary of literary terms
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