

1星价 ¥26.6 (8.3折)
2星价¥26.6 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:9787566309624
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:271
  • 出版时间:2014-02-01
  • 条形码:9787566309624 ; 978-7-5663-0962-4






chapter one economics经济学
text a  microeconomics and macroeconomics
text b  the income
text c  economics basics:production possibility frontier(ppf)and
opportunity cost 

chapter two development economics发展经济学
text a  what is development economics
text b  the harrod
text c  china:protecting the environment and improving livelihoods of

chapter three international economies国际经济学
text a  what is international economics
text b  the international economy
text c  factor—endowment theory

chapter four  international trade theories国际贸易理论
text a  absolute cost theory
text b  comparative cost theory 
text c  the world trade organization 

chapter five  international trade policies and measures国际贸易政策与措施
text a free 7rade or protectionism7
text b  free trade in asian style 
text c  trade policy tools

chapter six  international trade practice国际贸易实务
text a  incoterltis 2010 
text b  cargo insurance guide 
text c  letter of credit r

chapter seven international business negotiation国际商务谈判
text a  a beginner’s guide to international business negotiations
text b  united states business etiquette
text c  eight steps to success in negotiating--importance of business

chapter eight  international finance国际金融
text a  the imf’s role at a g1ance
text b  exchange rates
text c  effort to balance international payments

chapter nine monetary banking货币银行学
text a  money and banks
text b  who needs a swiss bank
text c  what is money

chapter ten  international investment国际投资
text a  foreign direct investment
text b  trends and recent developments in foreign direct investment
text c  china is the most promising source of fdi 

chapter eleven  accountancy会计
text a  accounting and auditors 
text b  marsh to make payments more transparent 
text c  accounting for advertising costs

chapter twelve  international business law国际商法
text a  formation of agency
text b  contract law
text c  what is consideration9   
appendix business terms商务术语

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