

1星价 ¥33.6 (7.0折)
2星价¥33.6 定价¥48.0
  • ISBN:9787115344380
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:280
  • 出版时间:2014-04-01
  • 条形码:9787115344380 ; 978-7-115-34438-0


《100年经典好声音:改变你一生的世界*经典演讲(英汉对照)》汇集来自世界*有魅力的好声音,甄选百年来*经典的英文演讲,内容丰富,风格各异:或气势磅礴,或意味深长,或幽默诙谐,或庄重典雅。欣赏百年*经典演讲词,带给你*强烈的心灵震撼和*美妙的语言艺术享受!   《100年经典好声音:改变你一生的世界*经典演讲(英汉对照)》共分5章,精心选取了世界上*经典演讲,其中包括美国总统激情演说、世界魅力女性传世演说、全球名人智者不朽演说以及国际高端人物精彩演说等。同时本书提供流畅的译文、词语笔记、私藏关键词和专家点评解读,引领读者更深刻地了解演讲的内涵和每篇演讲背后深厚的英美文化背景。   阅读本书,你能感受名人非凡的人格魅力和人生智慧,或可改变你的一生;阅读本书,体会经典演讲的语言魅力,你能提高演讲口才和写作能力;阅读本书,学习原汁原味的好英文,在潜移默化中提升你对英文的驾驭能力!   《100年经典好声音:改变你一生的世界*经典演讲(英汉对照)》适合广大在校大学生和学有余力的中学生,以及所有想提高英文能力、开拓国际视野的社会人士。


1全球*受欢迎的经典演讲,帮助读者提高英文演讲技巧和英文综合实力。   2品原汁原味英文,涤荡心灵,修身励志,提高个人修养,提高生存竞争力;   3版式设计有创意,布局流畅,图文并茂,十分养眼;   4一书在手,抑或改变命运,抑或受益终生;   5中英双语模式,英文加疑难词注释,让读者阅读更轻松自如;   6编排层次分明,板块丰富;   7目标读者涵盖面*广,社会各界人士都有需要;


chapter 1 *震撼的百年经典好声音——美国总统激情演说
speech 01 gettysburg address 葛底斯堡演说 
  —speech by abraham lincoln, the 16th president of the united states, in gettysburg at
speech 02 the duties of american citizenship(excerpt) 美国公民的职责(节选) 
  —speech by theodore roosevelt, new york state assemblyman, at buffalo, new york in
speech 03 first fireside chat **次“炉边谈话” 
  —speech by franklin delano roosevelt, the 32nd president of the united states, in washington d c in
speech 04 putting america back to work 让美国重新运转起来 
  —first inaugural address by ronald wilson reagan, the 40th president of the united states, in new york in
speech 05 our country is strong 我们的国家坚不可摧 
  —speech by george w bush,the 43rd president of the united states, in washington d c on september 11,
  ——美国第43任总统乔治w 布什2001年9月11日在华盛顿特区的讲话
speech 06 begin the work of remaking america 重新塑造美国 
  —first inaugural address by barack obama, the 44th president of the united states, in washington d c in
chapter 2 *温情的百年经典好声音——世界魅力女性传世演说
speech 01 the destructive male 有破坏力的男性 
  —speech by elizabeth cady stanton, the american feminist pioneer, in washington, d c in
speech 02 on woman's rights to the suffrage 妇女的选举权 
  —speech by susan b anthony, the co-founder of nwsa, after the arrest in
speech 03 who then will speak for the common good 谁为共同利益辩护 
  —speech by barbara jordan,the first african american congresswoman, at democratic national convention, new york in
speech 04 the children need us 孩子需要我们 
  —speech by british actress audrey hepburn in geneva in
speech 05 girls making a difference 女孩可以有所成就 
  —remarks by american first lady michelle obama at the elizabeth garrett anderson school islington, uk in
speech 06 there is no such thing as failure(excerpt) 人生不存在失败(节选) 
  —speech by american talk show hostess oprah winfrey at harvard's 362nd commencement in
chapter 3 *永恒的百年经典好声音——天下传奇英雄倾情演说
speech 01 conciliation with america(excerpt) 与美国和解(节选) 
  —speech by edmund burke, a member of british whig party, in the house of commons in
speech 02 the hypocrisy of american slavery 美国奴隶制度的虚伪 
  —speech by african-american social reformer frederick douglass in rochester in
speech 03 cross of gold(excerpt) 黄金十字架(节选) 
  —speech by william jennings bryan, the leader of the silverite movement, in chicago in
speech 04 quit india 退出印度 
  —speech by mahatma gandhi, the preeminent leader of indian nationalism, at gowalia tank maidan, bombay in
speech 05 a tryst with destiny 我们与命运有个约定 
  —speech by jawaharlal nehru,former prime minister of india, in new delhi in
speech 06 i have a dream 我有一个梦想 
  —speech by martin luther king jr , leader in the african-american civit rights movements, at the lincoln memorial in
chapter 4 *智慧的百年经典好声音——全球名人智者不朽演说
speech 01 let us fight for a new world 为新世界的到来而奋斗 
  —speech by british actor charlie chaplin in the great dictator in
speech 02 poetry gives us a reason for understanding 诗歌为人们敞开理解的大门 
  —banquet speech by british poet thomas stearns eliot in stockholm in
  ——美国著名诗人t s 艾略特1948年在斯德哥尔摩接受诺贝尔文学奖的演说
speech 03 obituary to diana princess of wales 戴安娜王妃葬礼演讲 
  —speech by charles edward maurice spencer in westminster abbey in 1997
speech 04 every life has equal value(excerpt) 每个生命都有同等的价值(节选) 
  —speech by the founder of microsoft bill gates at harvard university in
chapter 5 *激昂的百年经典好声音——国际高端人物精彩演说
speech 01 funeral oration(excerpt) 在雅典阵亡将士葬礼上的讲话(节选) 
  —speech by eminent athenian politician pericles in athens in 431 bc
speech 02 on the nazi invasion of poland 纳粹德国入侵波兰 
  —speech by neville chamberlain, former prime minister of the united kingdom, in westminster, london in
speech 03 blood, toil, tears and sweat 铁血泪 
  —speech by winston churchill, former prime minister of the united kingdom, at the house in
speech 04 duty, honor, country 责任,荣誉,国家 
  —speech by amerian general douglas macarthur at west point in



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