

1星价 ¥21.2 (7.6折)
2星价¥21.2 定价¥28.0
  • ISBN:9787511718884
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:21cm
  • 页数:212
  • 出版时间:2014-06-01
  • 条形码:9787511718884 ; 978-7-5117-1888-4


《社会契约论》又译《民约论》,作者在书中系统地阐述天赋人权观念,有力批驳了旧时代强者自有特权、奴役天生合理等论调,其主权在民的思想成为了法国大革命时期的一面旗帜,被写进《人权宣言》,深刻地影响了整个欧洲废除君主绝对权威的运动,是现代民主制度的基石。卢梭的这一精神和理想也体现在美国的《独立宣言》和宪法中。   《论人类不平等的起源》可以说是卢梭政治学说的导言,他**次提出私有制是人类不平等的起源这一鲜明的观点,为其后写作的《社会契约论》奠定了基础。





the social contract or principles of political right 
book i 
1 subject of the first book
2 the first societies
3 the right of the strongest
4 slavery 
5 that we must always go back to a first convention
6 the social compact
7 the sovereign 
8 the civil state
9 real property18 
book ii 

1 that sovereignty is inalienable 
2 that sovereignty is indivisible
3 whether the general will is fallible 
4 the limits of the sovereign power
5 the right of life and death
6 law 
7 the legislator 
8 the people 
9 the people (continued) 
10 the people (continued) 
11 the various systems of legislation
12 the division of the laws
book iii 
1 government in general
2 the constituent principle in the various forms
of government 
3 the division of governments 
4 democracy
5 aristocracy 
6 monarchy
7 mixed governments 
8 that all forms of government do not suit all countries
9 the marks of a good government 
10 the abuse of government and its tendency to degenerate 
11 the death of the body politic
12 how the sovereign authority maintains itself
13 the same (continued)
14 the same (continued) 
15 deputies or representatives
16 that the institution of government is not a contract 
17 the institution of government 
18 how to check the usurpations of government
book iv 
1 that the general will is indestructible
2 voting 
3 elections
4 the roman comitia 
5 the tribunate
6 the dictatorship
7 the censorship
8 civil religion 
9 conclusion

a discourse upon the origin and the foundation of the inequality among mankind 
introductory note 
question proposed by the academy of dijon
a discourse upon the origin and the foundation of the inequality 
part i 
part ii



卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778),法国思想家、文学家。卢梭出生于日内瓦,祖籍法国,父亲是耽于幻想的钟表匠,母亲在卢梭出生后不久即去世。卢梭15岁时开始学徒,因不堪忍受学徒生涯而外出流浪,被德?瓦朗夫人收留,虽几次出走,但在此期间系统地学习了历史、地理、天文、物理、化学、音乐和拉丁文,在思想上受到伏尔泰的影响,为日后的研究和创作打下基础。   1741年,卢梭来到巴黎,以教授音乐和为贵妇人充当秘书为生,写作了《论人类不平等的起源》、《社会契约论》、《爱弥儿》、《新爱洛绮丝》等著作,对后来的资产阶级革命产生重要影响,卢梭在《社会契约论》中阐发的天赋人权、自由平等、主权在民的思想被法国的雅各宾党人写进了《人权宣言》,美国的《独立宣言》也体现了这部著作的精神和理想。卢梭的教育小说《爱弥儿》主张教育应顺乎人的天性,并在书中抨击了种种社会偏见与恶习,因而触怒了教会,使他的后半生大半在颠沛流离中度过。卢梭记述自己一生经历的《忏悔录》在死后在得以发表。

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