

1星价 ¥10.8 (5.4折)
2星价¥10.8 定价¥20.0
  • ISBN:9787549611683
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:163
  • 出版时间:2014-06-01
  • 条形码:9787549611683 ; 978-7-5496-1168-3


  本丛书共三册,分为入门篇、进阶篇以及提高篇,选取了近三百篇命题不同、文体多样、写作各有特色的文章,并各有侧重。文体囊括记叙文、说明文、论说文、小说、实验报告、课程论文等。王海娉主编的《国外英语获奖作文精选精点(进阶篇)》作品题材丰富,语言运用较入门篇更为娴熟,主要面向掌握一定英语词汇、语法知识的初中一至三年级的英语学习者。   《国外英语获奖作文精选精点(进阶篇)》将语言写作、阅读和文化欣赏有机融为一体,对于将来有志参加一系列海外考试(如ssat和sat)的中国学生来说,实为必读书籍。  


本丛书共三册,分为入门篇、进阶篇以及提高篇,选取了近三百篇命题不同、文体多样、写作各有特色的文章,并各有侧重。文体囊括记叙文、说明文、论说文、小说、实验报告、课程论文等。王海娉主编的《国外英语获奖作文精选精点(进阶篇)》作品题材丰富,语言运用较入门篇更为娴熟,主要面向掌握一定英语词汇、语法知识的初中一至三年级的英语学习者。 《国外英语获奖作文精选精点(进阶篇)》将语言写作、阅读和文化欣赏有机融为一体,对于将来有志参加一系列海外考试(如SSAT和SAT)的中国学生来说,实为必读书籍。


1 chloe’s day
2 the haunted house
3 rules
4 mymother
5 ann
6 grandpa,chaz,and me
7 theday i took the spotlight
8 jetbikes
9 indy’s life story
10 my favorite place to go
11shadow f0rt
12 adopting a pet from the pound
13 whenigrowup
14 myfuture
15 teacher
16 my goals for my future
17 police
18 abitaboutme
19 mylife
20 my job
21 soccerhayer
22 whatiwanttobe
23 mylifegoals
24 about me
25 pastry chef
26 doctor in the house
27 lightening and thunder
28 study tips for tests
29 family gathering
30 from tadpoleto frog
31 madam c.j.walker
32 thekey
33 first hight
34 shaking earth
35 track meet
36 gteat friends
37 sound waves
38 chess
39 v0lcanoes
40 looking for whales
41 golorthe、world
42 catinthe tree
43 catching rainbows
44 babysitting wars
45 wrestling challenge
46 deep space explorers
47 hot springs and geysers
48 comets
49 earlyhistory oftherollercoasters
50 louis pasteur and the vaccine for rabies
51 benefits of regular exercise
52 whale shark
53 destruction of pompeii
54 trailtothewest
55 j.k rowling and harry potter
56 newhouse
57 room disaster
58 the r0cket
59 pressure shot
60 stars
61 about bears
62 new madrid,missouri,earthquake
63 dr daniel hale williams
64 ice skater
65 arctic tern
66 ancient olympies
67 dinosaurs and birds
68 themaya

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