  • ISBN:9787301227008
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:245
  • 出版时间:2014-07-01
  • 条形码:9787301227008 ; 978-7-301-22700-8


《英语泛读教程(第二版)第3册》作为英语专业基础阶段的阅读教材旨在扩大学生的词汇量,增强英语语感,丰富文化知识,提高人文素质,并培养学生的逻辑思维和形象思维能力,训练略读、寻读、细读、评读等阅读技巧。为满足扩充词汇量、拓展知识面的需要,本书选题范围较广,内容丰富;为提高学生的思辨能力和阅读欣赏能力,优先选择具有经典意义和收藏价值的文章, 有助于学生从西方传统文化和现当代文化中汲取精华部分,了解其独特的精神内涵。配套练习旨在引导学生去解读、思考、分析、批评,并激发学生更强烈的阅读欲望。




unit one
text a successful new year
text b a winning way to handle new ideas
twenty minutes' reading

unit two
text a language and culture differences in daily life
text b different ethical values in chinese and american cultures
twenty minutes' reading

unit three
text a universality of the folktale
text b i am cinderella's stepmother and i know my rights
twenty minutes' reading

unit four
text a what is true freedom?
text b i'm too busy for me
twenty minutes' reading

unit five
text a on photography i
text b on photography ii
twenty minutes' reading

unit six
text a the bridges of madison county
text b letter in the wallet
twenty minutes' reading

unit seven
text a the dream-work
text b group psychology and the analysis of the ego
twenty minutes' reading

unit eight
text a the oval portrait
text b a diagnosis of death
twenty minutes' reading

unit nine
text a the allegory of the cave
text b utopia
twenty minutes' reading

unit ten
text a how to escape out of thought traps?
text b motivated by all the wrong reasons
twenty minutes' reading

unit eleven
text a on life
text b the rhythm of life
twenty minutes' reading

unit twelve
text a love
text b of friendship
twenty minutes' reading

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