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  • ISBN:9787517105503
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:528
  • 出版时间:2014-08-01
  • 条形码:9787517105503 ; 978-7-5171-0550-3


《杨贵妃传奇研究》真实客观地描述了杨贵妃的传奇人生,针对历史上对这位传奇人物褒贬不一的评价,作者江丽容、徐前荣以独特的视角阐述唐明皇李隆基与杨贵妃华美的爱情,杨贵妃与中国其他三大美人不同,也与历史上掌权的太后诸如武则天和慈禧不同,她性格单纯,没有获得权利的欲望,有的只是与皇帝的爱,沉沁在自己对舞蹈和宫廷音乐的热爱中。而皇帝也深爱着杨贵妃,为了讨好贵妃,不惜提供尽可能得物质享受和给杨贵妃的亲族加官进爵,结果酿成灾难——引发安史之之乱,*后连贵妃也被愤怒的士兵逼死。 全书共分八个章节,从李隆基与杨贵妃从偶遇相识、相恋到贵妃悲惨死去,皇帝对贵妃的爱贯穿全书,本书也对历史上流传下来的贵妃活下来并去日本的传说进行了详尽的描述记载。本书作者文笔细腻,详实地描绘出当时宫廷生活和风土人情,为读者展现了一代美女杨贵妃充满悲情色彩的波澜曲折的一生,还原了杨贵妃不为世人所知的真实一面——纯真、本性善良、不喜好政治,却导致了巨大的悲剧。本书不失为一部能让人细细品嚼的佳作。


She was the first of the four classical beauties in ancient China. Another three were XI Shi, WANG Zhaojun and DIAO Chan, with the idiom “the beautiful women shame the moon and flowers” describing the four. She was also the beautiful woman with highest status among the four in ancient China, as well as an imperial concubine who had the largest influence in the world in China's feudal dynasties.


PrefacePraise and Censure to Female,Beauty or Evil Chapter 1Natural Beauty Section 1 Meeting by Chance Section 2Love at First Sight Section 3Perfect Match Chapter 2Hoping Her Son to be Successful Section 1Seeing the Emperor Closely Section 2Profusion of Fallen Petals Section 3Loathing to Part Chapter 3Starting Smiles Section 1Woe in Long Spring Section 2Flowers in Old Trees Section 3Love like the Sea Section 4Meeting in the Daoist Temple Section 5The Exquisite Feeling Difficult to State Chapter 4First Received the Emperors Love Section 1Leisurely My Heart Section 2Competition between Father and Son Section 3Preliminary Test Point Section 4This Sentiment Difficult to Say Section 5Conquering the Unique Beauty Chapter 5Precious Flower and Beautiful Woman Section 1The Largess of Bathing in Huaqing Pool Section 2Parting Reluctantly Section 3Life is Short Section 4Unique Gorgeousness Section 5The Famous Flower and the Beauty are Both Pleasant Chapter 6The Messenger Bird Flies Holding the Red Turban Section 1Far Away Milk Way Water Section 2Song of Rainbow Skirt and Feathered Coat Section 3Former Affection Difficult to Put Down Section 4Pear Flower in Spring Rain Section 5True Feelings on Double Seventh Day Chapter 7Death of the Beauty Section 1Before the Rain Section 2Escaping from the Capital Section 3Mutiny of the Imperial Guards Section 4The Emperors Tear Section 5Leaving Soul in the Temple Chapter 8Long Days and Nights in Penglai Palace Section 1Stubborn Back to Life Section 2Missing in Yangzhou Section 3Eastward to Japan Section 4Feelings between the Sea Section 5This Regret Lasting Evermore Reference Epilogue


About the authors: JIANG Lirong was born in Luzhou,China. She received her BA degree of foreign language & literature from Southwest Normal University in 1982 and Certificate of advanced visiting scholar from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2004. She is currently a professor in Yibin University,Yibin,China. Her research interests include translation & intercultural communication.Professor JIANG is a councilor of Translators Association of China. XU Qianrong was born in Luzhou,China. She received her BA degree of foreign language & literature from Southwest Normal University in 1982. She was once a senior lecturer of Hangzhou University & Sichuan Tianyi University. Now she is a senior lecturer of Jinjiang College,Sichuan University.

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