

1星价 ¥39.8 (8.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787307099197
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:316
  • 出版时间:2012-08-01
  • 条形码:9787307099197 ; 978-7-307-09919-7


《新大学英语视听说教程》配备的网络教学系统主要包括三个部分:教学平台,学习平台和测评平台。教学平台,主要体现教师和学生的交流功能,为教师提供更多的课文背景材料,教师可以通过平台布置和批改作业。学习平台,主要为学生提供课外学习材料,包括学生用书的拓展材料和各种技能的扩展练习和训练。测评平台,主要由形成性评估和终结性评估两部分构成:形成性评估包括每单元的评测、学生每次练习和作业的评测以及自主学习的评测等,终结性评估主要由期中和期末考试组成。学生*后的课程得分由形成性评估结果和终结性评估结果按一定比例组成。 本书为《新大学英语视听说教程(1教师专用)》,由张宜编著。




Unit 1 College Life Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Meeting Newcomers and Choosing Courses Scene 2 Borrowing Books and Getting to Know Library Rules Scene 3 Mapping the Campus Beyond Classroom Scene I A Video Clip from the Movie -- Mona Lisa Smile Scene 2 A Video Clip from Bill Gates Speech at Harvard Project Design: AReport on How to Make the Most of College Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 2 Describing People Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I introducing Yourself Scene 2 Settling a Problem Between Roommates Scene 3 Seeing My Old Friends Beyond Classroom Scene I A Video Clip from The Flintstones Scene 2 A Video Clip from a News Report on Children Adoption Project Design: An Interview: I Know You Better Now! Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 3 Language Learning Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about Language Learning at the English Comer Scene 2 Asking for Advice on English Speaking & Writing Scene 3 How to be a Successful Language Learner Beyond Classroom Scene I Linguistic Communicative Charms of English Scene 2 Strategies for Listening Project Design: An Interview on Language Learning Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 4 Animals and Humanity Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about Pets Scene 2 Knowing More about Wild Animals Scene 3 Animal Helpers Beyond Classroom Scene I A video Clip from the Movie -- Two Brothers Scene 2 A Video Clip from a TV Program Wild China Project Design: Research on a Specific Animal Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 5 Describing Things and Places Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about Hometown and Weather Scene 2 Talking about Landscape and Natural Resources Scene 3 Describing a Place Beyond Classroom Scene I A Video Clip from the Movie m Devils Advocate Scene 2 A Video Clip from a Description of Yellowstone National Park Project Design: Giving a Guided Tour Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 6 Leisure Activities Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about Interests and Hobbies Scene 2 Comparing Activities on the Weekend Scene 3 Ushering in a New Lifestyle Beyond Classroom Scene I A Video Clip from an Interview of Student Symphonic Orchestra of Fairfax Scene 2 A Video Clip from Jane McGonigals Speech Project Design: A Debate on the Good and Bad Effects of Video Games Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 7 Food Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about Likes and Dislikes for Food Scene 2 Understanding Eating Differences Between China and Western Countries Scene 3 Learning about a Healthy and Balanced Diet Beyond Classroom Scene I A Video Clip from a Program Live Better Now Scene 2 A Video Clip about How to Cut an Avocado Project Design: A Demonstration on How to Make Dumplings Further Study Self-evaluationUnit 8 Mass Media Getting Ready Inside Classroom Scene I Talking about TV Programs Scene 2 Talking about the Use and Influence of the Internet Scene 3 The New York Times Beyond Classroom Scene 1 Scene 1 A Video Clip from the Movie Notting Hill Scene 2 A Video Clip about the Revolution of Journalism Project Design: A Survey on the Impact of the Intemet on Youngsters Further Study Self-evaluation

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